
The selected work can be considered one of the famous masterpieces of the American landscape maker Winslow Homer. The picture is full of details and elements that cannot be understood from the first view, and one should look for other interesting signs to enjoy the author’s idea. In fact, there was a sketch of this work made by watercolor on paper. However, Winslow enjoyed the motif and decided to create the oil version (“Winslow Homer in the National Gallery of Art,” n.d.).
Looking for the information about the selected artwork, I came across many facts about art in general, various techniques, and the career of Winslow Homer, along with factors that shaped his creativity and preconditioned formation of a unique style. I think that the given information is important both for my personal and professional life. It significantly broadened my outlook and familiarized me with various peculiarities of art and its different forms. Additionally, information about the artist, his preferences, and decisions is also useful for a better understanding of the act of creation and factors that impact it.
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From the investigation mentioned above, I figured out some facts about the work that can be useful for its improved understanding. First, the artist considered the final oil version of the picture an outstanding creation that demonstrated his skills and preferences. A boy is trying to hold a dead deer and also pays attention to his dog near the boat. The unusual plot and details were disputable, and many thought that a young man tried to drown this animal. However, demonstrating the bloody sport, the author said that the deer was already dead and that details are the main thing of this image (“Winslow Homer in the National Gallery of Art,” n.d.). He was proud of the sunburnt hands of a boy as he had been painting them for about one week to show the hard job this character had to perform.
Cogitating about the work, I also recognized that it touches upon philosophic issues as the question of killing animals can be related to this cohort. That is why I think that philosophic motifs can be found in almost all spheres of human lives, and it impacts every individual. I believe that philosophy shaped my way of thinking and attitude toward various aspects of my life. For instance, every situation, especially a disputable one, can be analyzed from different perspectives to make a compromise and avoid conflicts. For this reason, I assume that philosophy is another discipline that influences me in my everyday life.
In general, I am sure that the given class will have a beneficial impact on all domains of my life. As for the professional one, the information provided during the courses and learned by me as part of the preparation for various tasks is fundamental for the generation of improved understanding of how different disciplines evolved, acquired their unique features, and impacted people at other epochs. At the same time, it helps to shape my own attitude to many issues or reconsider some previous perspectives that lose their relevance.
In personal life, studying is a perfect chance to broaden the outlook and become a more educated person, which is vital for modern society. For this reason, my expectations from the course are high, and I am ready to work hard to acquire all benefits that are associated with it to become a better person and a more effective specialist.