How Remote Education Can Increase Productivity

At present, remote education is becoming a more and more popular format of learning. It provides flexible schedules and can positively affect the mental health of students, leading to higher productivity. Moreover, most disadvantages of the approach generally occur because schools cannot successfully adopt online learning. The current essay demonstrates that remote education is an effective alternative to traditional methods and can increase both students’ productivity and educators’ quality of life.

There is extensive research on remote education, and even organizations such as the American Psychological Association support this perspective. The article by Abramson (2021) demonstrates how schools should adopt this approach. For example, educators should focus on students’ mental health needs, promote autonomy, and provide opportunities for children with special needs (Abramson, 2021). If schools follow these guidelines, remote education can improve students’ productivity, increase their motivation, and decrease the level of bullying.

Other sources focus on the benefits of remote learning for teachers and show that if teachers are satisfied with working conditions, it will have a positive impact on students. For example, Sharma (2022) shows that online learning presents more personalized options for educators, and many teachers are happy to include more creativity in their work. Another advantage is the improved schedule flexibility and work-life balance (Sharma, 2022). In summary, when teachers are happier with their work, they put more effort into teaching and improving learning outcomes.

The research findings align with my personal experience, and I think that remote education is a good alternative to traditional learning. I believe that schedule flexibility is the most notable advantage for both students and educators. Although I am not certain what I think about completely remote education, I do think that having some classes in an online format is beneficial for students’ productivity and mental health.

Remote education remains a very discussed topic in school education. The current analysis has shown that this approach has numerous benefits both for students and teachers. They include flexible schedules, less peer bullying, and improved productivity. It can also positively affect work/school-life balance and students’ mental health who might experience burnout from studying. As a result, remote education is a very effective education practice, and schools need to consider introducing more classes in the online format.


Abramson, A. (2021). Capturing the benefits of remote learning. Monitor on Psychology, 52(6). Web.

Sharma, P. (2022). Benefits of online teaching for educators. Elearning Industry. Web.

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