How to Become More Effective in Dealing With Other People?

Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills

As noted by Nachmias and Guerrero (2011), people can be really helpful and supportive, if they know others’ purposes. This experience is applicable to everyday life and improving interpersonal communication skills because it minimizes the risks of being misunderstood. Seeking answers to important questions, asking for help or expressing ideas can become less challenging in case of informing a conversation partner of an initial goal of starting a dialogue. Moreover, I found out that being supportive myself is as well significant, if I want to help people feel comfortable when I am around and become more open and trustworthy when sharing their opinions and feelings.

Baurmann (2010) believes that perception of gender and age varies across cultures. Because we behave under the influence of our cultures, we subconsciously assume that people of different age or gender possess different personal qualities and potential for reaching success in life or being an interesting conversation partner. Getting acquainted with cultural views on these issues is helpful for developing necessary interpersonal communication skills and growing culturally competent thus decreasing risks of misunderstandings and conflicts both in a workplace and in solving personal matters. Also, it is useful for avoiding bias and learning how to judge people based on their accomplishments instead of our prejudices.

Becoming a More Effective Team Player

Baurmann (2010) claims that an impact of a group on an individual’s personal development is as strong as the influence of one’s upbringing and cultural background. It means that, in some cases, social pressure may affect cultural identity and promote prejudice. However, because the first stage of enhancing group influence on team members is getting acquainted with the cultural background of all team members, it is imperative to assure that this phase is accompanied with an emphasis on respecting diversity. This strategy is useful for improving performance and carrying out job duties more effectively due to composing a unique cultural mix, incorporating different approaches to solving problems, and fostering creativity (Guirdham, 2011).

According to Goodall and Jill Schiefelbein (2010) and O’Toole (2012), culture and upbringing affect the way we perceive power, authority, supervision, and responsibility for carrying out job duties. It means that there is a risk of subconscious prejudice against people, who belong to different cultural, age or gender groups. That said, growing culturally competent is helpful not only for improving interpersonal communication skills but also addressing work-related and personal issues. Furthermore, it enhances understanding among team members and helps to create an atmosphere of trust and openness because everyone respects each other and there are no grounds for conflicts.

Becoming a Better Member of Society

As mentioned by Schaefer (2012), there are three social classes – lower, middle, and upper. Power, education, and prestige are among primary determinants of an individual’s social position. Belonging to a social class is defined by person’s resources and background. For this reason, knowing primary differences between classes is helpful for establishing ties with others and applying an appropriate model of behavior. However, this knowledge should be supplemented by the recognition that class belonging is a dynamic phenomenon that can change over time. So, judging people based on their background or treating them with arrogance is unacceptable because it is their inner self that defines who they really are, not their financial and educational status.

Wortham (2012) claims that worldview and behavior are affected by an individual’s upbringing and cultural environment. That is why everyone is different and perceives gender, age, and ethnicity in a different manner. However, these variances should not be seen as grounds for prejudice or seeding inequality. Instead, respecting them and getting acquainted with specificities of each culture can become a perfect strategy for improving the world we live in due to enhancing tolerance. In addition, understanding peculiarities of the ageing process is beneficial for eradicating the problem of generation gap, fostering communication between people, who belong to different age groups, and getting rid of the fear of growing older.


Baurmann, M. (2010). Norms and values: The role of social norms as instruments of value realization. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos.

Goodall, S., & Schiefelbein, J. (2010). Business and professional communication in the global workplace. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Guirdham, M. (2011). Communicating across cultures at work. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Nachmias, C., & Guerrero, A. (2011). Social statistics for a diverse society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

O’Toole, G. (2012). Communication: Core interpersonal skills for health professionals. Chatswood, Australia: Elsevier.

Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Sociology: A brief introduction. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Wortham, S. C. (2012). Common characteristics and unique qualities in preschool programs: Global perspectives in early childhood education. New York, NY: Springer Science & Business Media.

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