How to Make an Enemy: A Process Guide with Steps

In the present-day world, where the significance of inclusivity and acceptance is prioritized, making an enemy may seem a nearly impossible task. However, with several simple steps, one will be able to find an arch nemesis comparatively easily and build mutual lifelong resentment fuelled by frequent heated disagreements online. By focusing on the emotional aspect of conflicts and refusing to consider the opponent’s perspective, as well as demonstratively condescending attitudes, will allow one to make a lifelong enemy.

First impressions are the most important ones, which is why the first step to be taken should be regarded as the one requiring the greatest effort and responsibility. Specifically, it is strongly recommended to explore social networks for strong communities with a long record of thriving in the social media context. The larger the community, the better since it will provide a plethora of opportunities to finds a perfect match and create unforgettable history of mutual resentment.

The next step would be to introduce a contentious perspective into an active discussion and engage people to isolate the ones that suit one best as potential enemies. One should keep in mind that mindless trolling should be abandoned for this purpose since it will only generate a small amount of hatred toward the author of the despised commentary. Instead, one must communicate one’s ideas thoroughly and clearly to be perceived correctly and with due seriousness. Thus, the chance of creating strong mutual hatred increases exponentially.

Another critical step to ensure that enmity will remain strong and mutual concerns minimizing anonymity and increasing the chances of real-life interactions or frequent online encounters. One must take the process of gaining the trust and loyalty of one’s enemy seriously, which suggests that interactions must be made as personal as possible. Remaining at a distance will contribute to drifting apart and quickly becoming disengaged in the process of fighting. Thus, with no other resources to fuel the conflict, one risks to lose one’s enemy forever. Therefore, it is vital to interact constantly and, preferably, offline alongside encounters in the digital realm.

Finally, one must ensure that the process of personal growth should not impede the relationships with one’s enemy. Specifically, one must take into account that one’s enemy evolves and expands their philosophy and range of perceptions, integrating new perspectives into their worldview. If one does not follow suit and engage in active self-development, the threat of losing one’s enemy will become quite tangible.

Namely, the long-time doe may eventually accept the viewpoint that served as the main means of keeping them apart from the opponent or reconcile with the idea of people having strikingly different perspective and opinions. Therefore, it is vital to focus on personal progress and active development. The specified step will require mapping the course for the further personal improvement and the development of skills that will enable one to acquire and share knowledge.

The simple steps above involving primarily the emphasis on building a confrontation rather than a meaningful dialogue and the refusal to engage in a rational discussion of the core disagreement points, will allow one to make an enemy instantly. Sustaining and fuelling one’s enmity, one will be able to enjoy the advantages of having a mortal enemy by one’s side. Thus, one will have satisfying and fulfilling life full of memorable experiences of countless arguments and fighting.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "How to Make an Enemy: A Process Guide with Steps." December 12, 2023.

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