Human Resource Management: Analysis

The staffing process is known as the hiring, screening, and selection of employees for open positions within a company or organization (Martocchio, 2018). In essence, staffing’s goal is to assist job seekers in finding employment while also helping employers identify quality candidates for unfilled positions.

The EEOC’s mandate is to interpret and uphold federal statutes that forbid discrimination. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was established by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as a federal agency (Title VII) (Martocchio, 2018).

Only when the employer imposes an age limit on the performance of the organizational qualification required for the job can age be a BFOQ (Bona fide Occupational Qualification).

According to the ADEA (Age Discrimination in Employment Act), it is illegal for any organization to discriminate against its employees based on their age (Martocchio, 2018). The age was therefore recognized as a bona genuine occupational qualification. The Act also makes it clear that this type of discrimination should only be used if it is appropriate for the role within the organization.

Examples of genuine occupational qualifications include the following:

  • Due to safety, there is an age restriction on pilots and bus drivers.
  • Retired athletes from sports based on their age

O*NET data can be utilized to pinpoint specific job-specific safety requirements and industry-wide safety challenges, which can help with employee hiring and training decisions (Martocchio, 2018).

The major goals of doing a job analysis process are to use this specific information to match the right employee with the right work, to evaluate an employee’s performance, to estimate the value of a given task, and to assess the employee’s training and development needs (Stone et al., 2020).

The process of identifying the crucial jobs within your organization and creating action plans for people to fill those positions is known as succession planning. A modern, more effective methodology of succession concentrates on identifying broad skill gaps throughout the organization and developing talent pools based on the skill shortages essential to the business’s success (Martocchio, 2018). The macroeconomic succession model begins by outlining the firm’s crucial competencies to succeed, such as risk management, business acumen, and strategic planning, instead of having a position to fill or a person to replace.

Different organizations and occupational categories demand medical exams to ensure each applicant is qualified to do the work safely. Exams may include physical examinations, drug tests, psychological evaluations, or even a combination of these, depending on the profession. All medical examinations are kept private, and only certain medical issues an applicant may have in the future that necessitate emergency care are disclosed (Martocchio, 2018). These tests are used in some professions to make sure that a prospective employee is fit enough to carry out the necessary duties as well as to ensure that they can safeguard both the public and their coworkers.

The six steps of the performance review process are as follows. 1. Create performance benchmarks 2. Inform employees about performance expectations 3. Evaluate actual performance 4. Evaluate Performance Against Standards 5. Consult with the employee about the appraisal. 6. Start corrective measures (Martocchio, 2018).

The characteristics of an effective performance appraisal system are clear goals, valid and reliable data, clear performance criteria, and resource-savvy, and should imply consecutive actions.

Pay compression is a long-term compensation problem. The situation is known as wage or salary compression when employees have little compensation disparity despite variations in their individual knowledge, skills, experiences, or talents. Companies may pay more to employees with more relevant work experience than those with less experience (Martocchio, 2018). Budget money specifically for equitable adjustments to address salary disparities. Review the entire compensation plan every three to five years.

Employers that provide employee pension or welfare benefit programs are subject to ERISA regulations. The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA), which oversees Title I of ERISA, imposes a wide variety of fiduciary, disclosure, and reporting responsibilities on fiduciaries of pension and welfare benefit plans as well as on those who interact with these plans (Martocchio, 2018).


Martocchio, J. (2018) Human resource management (What’s new in management) (15th ed). Pearson

Stone, R. J., Cox, A., & Gavin, M. (2020). Human resource management. John Wiley & Sons.

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