Human Resource Recruitment Strategy

Recruiting New Talented Employees

Human resource (HR) units are typically tasked with overseeing the recruitment process, designing employee benefits, performance appraisal procedures, reward management, and training and development. HR professionals are generally required to make significant decisions during the enlistment procedure (“The Role of HR”). Some of these decisions include whom to target, the type of message to convey, and how to organize recruitment efforts. To better enroll and retain proficient employees, I will develop a hiring process and implement up-to-date technology solutions to reinforce the entire procedure.

Developing Effective Job Descriptions

In the social media era, it is crucial to be creative with the job listing approach to be used during the process. To enhance the skilled personnel’s capacity to locate the firm’s job listing, I would promote it via different social media channels and utilize SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The latter will help job seekers in identifying the listing based on the title, related responsibilities, and location. The vacant positions’ developed job descriptions will incorporate six primary elements: task responsibilities and functions, performance standards, job-related proficiencies, limits and scope of authority, management expectations, and the pertinent relationships, i.e., reporting structure.

Implementing Technology

Millennials’ populace currently surpasses that of Baby Boomers and is presently identified as the largest generation living in the U.S. They account for one-third of the workforce, and this value is growing significantly. Therefore, using technology in a manner that this population consumes data is crucial to ensure that the firm stays ahead of the curve and attracts skilled personnel. In addition to having an internet presence and developing better job descriptions, it is critical to consider job seekers’ mobile experience. According to Ekwoaba et al., mobile optimization facilitates the easy and rapid sharing of the job listing by current employees through referrals and social media platforms (27). The application and the interview procedure, particularly the early phases, will be digitalized to enhance our capacity to reach candidates in different states.

Managing the Expectations of Candidates

Transparency will be crucial under this phase, and it will be reinforced by giving a detailed description of what the job entails, i.e., responsibilities, and what the company expects from them. According to a survey by the Allegis Group, candidates typically have the following expectations when undergoing the hiring procedure: a description of the responsibilities and duties associated with the position (91%), compensation, perks, and benefits (69%), growth opportunities (41%), workplace culture and environment (41%), and a delineation of the business (15%) (Luczaj 255). During the initial screening phases, clients will also be asked about their anticipations about compensation and duties to distinguish the perfect candidates for the potential role.

Educating Hiring Managers and Recruiters

The training of hiring managers and recruiters will be done to ensure that they comprehend how to pitch every job opportunity and the organization. Ekwoaba et al. identify pitching as the fifth “P” among the drivers for prospective candidates (24). Conventionally, it includes position/product, salary/price, location/place, and promotion. Restructuring the whole procedure and strategizing the enrolment process will allow us to acquire buy-in from skilled candidates. “Greater good” objectives will be created to underscore the firm’s core values and its mission and vision.

The Significance of Seeking New Talent

Seeking new talent plays a crucial role in enhancing a firm’s capacity to hire the right candidate. There are a specific set of skills that are essential in accomplishing tasks associated with a particular job position. This process is, therefore, instrumental in identifying candidates with the necessary proficiencies. The aforementioned procedure also aids in enhancing the overall growth of the company. The enlisting method allows the organization to access a talent pool under a single roof and rope in the individuals best suited for the upcoming projects (Ekwoaba et al. 25). The continuous search of skilled personnel also acts as a backup in case of turnover, allows corporates to meet legal requirements, creates a balance within the workplace, and addresses the business’s future and current demands.

Works Cited

Ekwoaba, Joy O., et al. “The Impact of Recruitment and Selection Criteria on Organizational Performance.” Global Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 3, no. 2, 2015, pp. 22–33.

Luczaj, Kamil. “Analyzing Biographies of Foreign-Born Academics in Slovakia: Why Highly Skilled Employees Decide to Choose a Peripheral Country.” Sociologia, vol. 51, no. 3, 2019, pp. 250–271.

“The Role of HR.” YouTube, uploaded by Jack Welch Management Institute, 2013, Web.

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