“I Fought the Law and I Won!” by Jonny Cordero

The book “I Fought the Law and I Won!” by Jonny Cordero (2017) is a semi-autobiographical book with fictional elements. The author drew heavily on the experiences of his own life to relay the plot of his book. The primary themes are relationships within a fragmented family, the consequences of divorce, living separated from loved ones, and struggling against the law to rectify injustice.

The plot itself is dramatic in nature, as it conveys the story of the main character trying to find his son and parent him. As Cordero was writing from his life’s perspective, many real-life issues are present in the story. The main character lived in a marriage, which had produced a child, who is close to the protagonist. However, the marriage turned out to be dysfunctional at the core, as the husband and the wife proceeded to divorce.

The immediate outcome of a divorce is the separation of not just belongings but also of family members. The subsequent legal conflict created the impression of an unwinnable case, as in most cases, judges favor women and neglect fathers. The main character begins a search for legal ways to outplay the law and win back his parent’s rights. At this point, an extremely important for this story as well as for the book’s audience character trait becomes prominent, which is the willingness to take the risk.

Any undertaking involving going against the established law framework is a psychologically stressful initiative. The tension is even further exacerbated by the divorce and the trauma of loss. The character is now facing a threat not only to his mental and physical well-being but also to his reputation. Yet, he continues on his quest for finding justice in a system, which, as he believes, wrongfully framed him.

Over the course of the book, the story discloses both personal experiences and deficiencies of the legal system regulating divorce and child custody. The main character’s path to vindication lies through the court. Subsequently, he has to deal with lawyers to clear his name. However, a number of obstacles prevent him from rejoining with his child. To begin with, the protagonist encounters lies surrounding his life and actions, which lead everyone to believe that he is guilty and should be pleaded as such.

The campaign directed against the main character is based on misinformation about his family life. It is further worsened by the continuous false accusations, against which the protagonist has to defend himself. The witnesses are not sincere since they have been manipulated to testify against the protagonist. Unfortunately for him, his challenges do not end in waging informational warfare. Not only does he experience emotional breakage, but he also becomes subject to physical attacks.

One of the ways the manipulators tried to act against him was using e-mails and social networks. Social media have the power not only to connect people on a virtual level but to also disenfranchise some individuals. The story showcases how modern technology, which initially helped the protagonist structure his dealings and life, is used against him. The subsequent implication is that, based on this example, users should be wary of the information they make public and send to others.

The story shows that fighting a case in court is as much a psychological battle as it is a manipulation of laws. One of the abilities, which are vital in helping the main character withstand the onslaught of false accusations is his confidence in managing a case. Not only does it showcase personal fortitude, but it also signifies the lack of effect of the groundless accusations on the victim.

Protecting one’s reputation is immensely important not only due to the fact that it helps save face but because it also shows the strength of character. This is something that the protagonist understood well as he dealt with the lawyers. Another habit, which probably saved his fate, was keeping proper documentation in order. Ultimately, the main character was able to prevent ruining himself financially and mentally.

In large part, the main character’s efforts were successful because of his emotional self-awareness. He was capable of forgiving himself for his past mistakes and making peace with his current self. The combination of lies, misinformation, false accusations, physical and mental damage can destroy a person, but this story shows a possibility to grow from the hardships and pain. The main character is an example of a proper attitude to life’s burdens.

Overall, the book serves as the guide to dealing with law and loss, overcoming emotional trauma, protecting the reputation, and coming to terms with oneself. Cordero also views the story as practical advice to people who have problems with child support. Probably the most important message, which the author wants to share, is that no matter how insurmountable the odds may seem, one should be willing to take risks. The main character’s success in rejoining with his son despite the legal obstacles can set a precedent in the United States by inspiring readers to take action for their family.


Cordero, J. (2017). I Fought the Law and I Won!. My Dreams Academy.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 18). “I Fought the Law and I Won!” by Jonny Cordero. https://studycorgi.com/i-fought-the-law-and-i-won-by-jonny-cordero/

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StudyCorgi. (2022) '“I Fought the Law and I Won!” by Jonny Cordero'. 18 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "“I Fought the Law and I Won!” by Jonny Cordero." March 18, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/i-fought-the-law-and-i-won-by-jonny-cordero/.


StudyCorgi. "“I Fought the Law and I Won!” by Jonny Cordero." March 18, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/i-fought-the-law-and-i-won-by-jonny-cordero/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "“I Fought the Law and I Won!” by Jonny Cordero." March 18, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/i-fought-the-law-and-i-won-by-jonny-cordero/.

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