Ideals of the American Dream

The American Dream includes many ideals: democracy, liberty, rights, equality, and opportunity. Today I will talk about the last one: about the way, I think, one should own their opportunities.

I firmly believe that hard work pays off. Ever since my first job at a supermarket in Produce, I began to understand the value of the time and effort I invest in my work. Not only did this experience put more responsibility on my shoulders, but it also gave me the idea of opportunities that a working individual gets.

For instance, my biggest motivation was likely to be able to purchase a car at 16. It is ambitious, but this opportunity inspired me to work even harder. That is why, since then, I have tried to do my best to keep some kind of job whenever I could.

However, the notion of opportunities provided by hard work is not limited to financial or even materialistic incentives. Working and receiving a salary at my age makes me feel independent and self-reliant. At the same time, these feelings give me a bigger perspective: the working experience helps me understand what I want from my life and what kind of job inspires me the most.

To conclude, even though working may not be fun all the time, there is still a reasonable number of opportunities provided: financial independence, the feeling of self-reliance, and a clearer perspective on one’s future. That is why I often find that working at the end of the day is more rewarding than lazing around for hours. Investing time and effort into work is critical as this activity belongs to the list of the most giving experiences an individual can go through again and again – so opportunities matter.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, February 4). Ideals of the American Dream.

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