106 Beowulf Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Beowulf

✍️ Beowulf Essay Topics for College

  1. Themes in Beowulf: Annotated Bibliography
    Bravery – Beowulf is the most famous poem among the works of the Old English literature. It is the epic creation telling the readers about the strongest and the bravest of the English warriors of all times.
  2. Medieval Imagination: Beowulf vs. Russian Mythos
    Beowulf was written by an unknown writer between the eighth and eleventh centuries and appears to be a Christian rewriting of some of the oral folk tales.
  3. Beowulf: Comparing the Movie and the Book
    The story of Beowulf has remained a significant work for centuries not only because it is one of our first lengthy works of English.
  4. “Beowulf”: Cultural Elements of the Anglo-Saxon Piece of Literature
    The image of Beowulf infuses the feeling of something exotic and fantastic and his deeds are appraised as insane.
  5. The Inclusion of Cain in the “Beowulf”: Understanding Grendel’s Actions
    Scholars have long debated whether or not “Beowulf” is a Christian allegory or a wholly pagan work with only a smattering of Old Testament allusions.
  6. Western Civilization: Beowulf as a Hero
    Beowulf is a poem that was written in Old English by an unknown author somewhere around the seventh or the eighth century.
  7. The Rise of Western Civilization in Beowulf: Critical Analysis
    Even though an old Anglo-Saxon poem “Beowulf” is assumed to contain motifs that are largely mythical in their essence, many of these motifs do relate to the realities of the time when the poem was written.
  8. Women in “Beowulf”, “Inferno”, and “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”
    This paper aims to discuss the female characters’ prominent position in the poems “Beowulf,” “Inferno,” and “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale.”
  9. Legends of British Literature: Beowulf and Macbeth
    Both Beowulf and Macbeth are legendary men of British literature. Their adventures have been read, turned into theatrical plays and widely discussed by many generations of people
  10. “Beowulf”: Character Analysis of the Epic Poem
    Beowulf was first written down sometime around 1000 AD, but there is evidence that the poem had been transferred through oral tradition for centuries.
  11. Fate vs. Free Will in Beowulf, The Wanderer, and The Seafarer
    “Beowulf”, “The Seafarer”, and “The Wanderer” provide us with insight into the spiritual foundation of this civilization as being rather biologically than religiously defined.
  12. King Lear and Beowulf: Compare & Contrast
    English literature contains wonderful works related to royal families as well as common individuals that teach the readers ethical principles, moral lessons.
  13. Beowulf, The National Epic of the Anglo-Saxons
    This paper concentrates on the first episode, and presents a clear picture of the customs and traditions of the Anglo-Saxons and an understandable depiction of Beowulf’s character.
  14. Fate in Beowulf and Shakespeare’s Macbeth
    In Beowulf and Macbeth, the main characters were significantly influenced by fate; but it was feasible for them to make decisions and obtain control over life’s happenings.
  15. Beowulf, a Never Forgotten Hero
    The events narrated in Beowulf took place in an age where local lords and kings relied on their charisma and the loyalty of their men.
  16. Morality: Interpreting Good and Evil in Beowulf
    Delve into the nuanced portrayal of morality in Beowulf, examining how perceptions of good and evil shift across different societal and historical contexts.
  17. Grendel’s Story in Poem “Beowulf”
    Grendel can be considered one of the most absorbing heroes in “Beowulf”. He has a bestial rage based on human emotions such as resentment and envy.
  18. A Comparison of the Poem “Beowulf” With the Screenplay
    The poem “Beowulf” is based on the values of a different time and a different mentality, unlike the film, which only used the original idea.
  19. Beowulf’s Path as a King in Beowulf by Seamus Heaney
    Throughout the story, Beowulf is shown as a brave and mighty warrior who wants to protect his people: Beowulf by Seamus Heaney.
  20. Religion in “Beowulf”, “The Wife of Bath Tale”, and “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”
    The three poems, “Beowulf”, “The Nun’s Priest Tale”, and “The Wife of Bath Tale”, have some religious twists. This paper shows how spirituality is a guide when applied with reason.
  21. Beowulf’s Motivation for Slaying Grendel
    Being one of the oldest and by far most famous epic poems in English literature, “Beowulf” still remains an engaging and exciting story of magnificent proportions.
  22. The Battle with Grendel’s Mother in the Beowulf Poem
    Grendel’s mother is one of the three main antagonists of the poem “Beowulf.” This paper examines the episode of the battle between her and the protagonist, Beowulf.
  23. “Beowulf” Poem and Old English
    “Beowulf”, a poem, the creation of which dates back to the 8th century, is a work of literature that marks the start of the Old English language.
  24. Review of “Beowulf” Poem by Heaney Seamus
    The article presents information about main monsters in “Beowulf” poem and discusses about its roles and impacts in the plot.
  25. “Beowulf”, an Old English Epic Poem in the Tradition of Germanic Heroic Legend
    “Beowulf” is one of the perfect examples of a heroic epic. The poem describes the ancient Germanic legends dating back to pagan times.
  26. Main Character and Heroism in “Beowulf”
    Strength of character, dignity, and commitment all contribute to the theme of heroism in Beowulf, as evidenced by the events and actions of the main character.
  27. An Ideal Hero in the “Beowulf” Old English Poem
    The idea of a brave character named Beowulf is laid down in an Old English poem “Beowulf” which was created by an unknown author approximately at the end of the VII century.
  28. Examination of the Heroes Beowulf and The Knight
    The heroes Beowulf and the Knight possess several matching and contrasting qualities, both manifesting a good individual’s traits and behaviors.
  29. Contemporary Literature: Beowulf, the Movie
    The Beowulf movie tries to heighten the characteristics of the epic of antiquity, where it simply starts in the middle (into the middle of certain affairs).
  30. “Beowulf” & “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Comparison
    The epic of Beowulf portrays a condition of imminent disaster. This poem is a portrayal of the virtue of loyalty among the leaders and troops of that period.
  31. Grendel Character in “Beowulf”: An Analysis of Story
    In this story, the plot revolves around a warrior named Grendel and his mother. These main characters help the reader see the dark and terrifying side of a culture.
  32. The Image of Epic Heroes in Gilgamesh, the Iliad, and Beowulf
    Gilgamesh from the Epic of Gilgamesh, Achilles and Agamemnon from The Iliad, and Beowulf from the epic Beowulf may serve as the best examples of epic characters, which represent the image of a hero.
  33. British Literature: Heroism in Beowulf, Gawain and Viola
    While Gawain and Viola present heroic qualities and features of the main characters, Beowulf describes is clearly seen as a true hero.

🎓 Most Interesting Beowulf Research Titles

  1. Christian Ethics and the Values of Being a Hero in the Epic of Beowulf
  2. Bravery, Honor, and Selflessness in Battle: A Review of Beowulf and His Heroic Traits
  3. The Use of Fealty in “Beowulf” by Seamus Heaney and the Anglo-Saxon Poem “Dream of the Rood”
  4. Achilles and Beowulf: Warriors of Boundless Strength
  5. How the Author Captures the Reader’s Attention and Imagination in the Poem “Beowulf”
  6. “Beowulf” and “The 13th Warrior”: Exposing True Anglo-Saxon Warriors’ Battle
  7. Agamemnon’s and Beowulf’s Leadership Skills in “Antigone” by Sophocles and “Beowulf”
  8. The Concept of God in “Beowulf” and Other Anglo-Saxon Poems
  9. Brain Power vs. Physical Strength: Beowulf’s Character Revealed in Monster Fighting
  10. The Good and Evil: Beowulf and the Evil of the Monsters
  11. Alex vs. Beowulf: The Antithesis of a Lifetime
  12. Hero Archetypes and Epic Conventions in “The Odyssey” and “Beowulf”
  13. Beowulf: The Greatest Hero in History or Not
  14. The Characters Who Are Worthy of Sympathy in the Epic of Beowulf
  15. Anglo-Saxons and Beowulf: The Hero Figure in the Epic Narrative and in Anglo-Saxon Culture
  16. The Mythical, Marvelous, and Fantastic in the Epic of Beowulf
  17. How Christianity and Paganism Coexisted in “Beowulf”
  18. From Paganism to Christianity: Comparison Between “The Dream of the Rood”, “Beowulf”, and Religious Texts
  19. Analyzing Differences Between Two Versions of “Beowulf”: The Original vs the 1971 Version Written by John Gardner
  20. Self-Realization and the Hero’s Quest in “Beowulf”, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, and “Everyman”
  21. Humanity’s Inclination Towards Literature as Evidence in the Epic of Beowulf

đź’ˇ Simple Beowulf Essay Ideas

  1. Beowulf’s Everlasting Struggle Between Good and Evil
  2. All the Traits That Make Beowulf a True Epic Hero
  3. Literary Monsters: Grendel From “Beowulf” and Frankenstein From Mary Shelley’s Novel
  4. Evaluating Beowulf’s Dark Side in the Story “Beowulf”
  5. Christian and Pagan Elements in “Beowulf”
  6. “Beowulf” and the Intent of Christians to Convert Pagans Into Christianity
  7. How the Dragon Provides the Most Dramatic Development in “Beowulf”
  8. The Early Germanic Values Presented in “Beowulf”
  9. Ancient Societies: Greece, Rome, and the World of Beowulf
  10. Hercules and Beowulf: Comparing Heroic Features and Adventures of Two Characters
  11. “Macbeth” and “Beowulf”: Evil Defined by Human Preoccupation
  12. Anglo-Saxon Ideal Code of Conduct in “Beowulf”
  13. “Beowulf” and “The Song of Roland”: The Theme of Father-Son Relationship
  14. Pagan and Christian Concepts of Fate in “Beowulf”
  15. Beowulf’s Courage and Determination to Defeat the Dragon
  16. Ronald Reagan and Beowulf: Heroes Near and Far
  17. Beowulf, Sir Gawain, and Prince Hamlet on the Nature of Man
  18. The Connection Between Hrothgar’s Sermon, Beowulf’s Fate, and the Theme of Restlessness in the Story of Beowulf
  19. Beowulf: The Anglo-Saxon Epic Hero and Poem
  20. The Difference Between Beowulf and Modern-Day Heroes

âť“ Beowulf Essay Questions

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Does the Hero Decline in the Epic of Beowulf?
  2. How Are the Hero Figures in Both “Beowulf” and “The 13th Warrior” Similar?
  3. What Does the Story of Beowulf Teach Us?
  4. How Does Beowulf Save People From the Monster Grendel in the Play “Beowulf”?
  5. What Singles Out “Beowulf” Among All Other Works of Anglo-Saxon Poetry?
  6. Does “Beowulf” Teach Us About Leadership?
  7. What Are 5 Reasons Why We Read “Beowulf” Today?
  8. How Does Beowulf Display Characteristics of a Hero?
  9. What’s the Difference Between Beowulf and King Arthur?
  10. How Do Gawain King Arthur and Beowulf Show Bravery?
  11. What Traits Have Beowulf and Gilgamesh in Common?
  12. How Did People Worship Heroes During the Anglo-Saxon Period as Portrayed in “Beowulf”?
  13. Whether Beowulf Has the Qualities of an Epic Hero in the Epic Poem “Beowulf”?
  14. How Does the Arthurian Known Represent a Characterization of Nordic in the Story of Beowulf?
  15. Why Does “Beowulf” Begin and End With a Funeral?
  16. How Does Beowulf Show Strength and Courage?
  17. What Does “Beowulf” Reveal About Ideals of Heroism?
  18. How Are the Honorable Men During Beowulf’s Time Different From the Modern Men?
  19. Does “Beowulf” Relate to Our Lives Today?
  20. How Was War Portrayed in “Beowulf”?
  21. Why Is “Beowulf” Important to Teach?
  22. How Do Beowulf’s Character Traits Reflect the Ideals of a Culture?
  23. What Does the Story “Beowulf” Symbolize?
  24. Does “Beowulf” Reflect the Values of His Society?
  25. How Can We Compare Beowulf to a Modern-Day Hero of Our Time?

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "106 Beowulf Essay Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/beowulf-essay-topics/.

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