68 Modernism Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Modernism

đź‘Ť Good Modernism Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Modernism in Architecture: Mies van der Rohe
    Mies van der Rohe established the Modernist boundaries of contemporary architecture. He focused on the discipline on structure, functionality and precise planning.
  2. Researching Modernity and Modernism
    Christopher Crounch defined modernity as a period in the history of mankind that shows a transition of their life from traditional agricultural practices to the industrial revolution.
  3. Modernism and the Hospitality Industry
    The hospitality industry has undergone rapid development and revolution due to technological change: it has experienced fundamental changes in organizational structures and power.
  4. Modernist Novel “Nightwood” by Djuna Barnes
    Djuna Barnes’s experimental novel “Nightwood” explores characters, lives, and the love story of five eccentric people and their unique attributes.
  5. When Modernism in Built Environments Began
    The paper states that modernism in built environments began in the 1920-1930s due to the coherent and prevailing manifestation of all modernist principles.
  6. Modernism: Themes and What Modernists’ Works Reflect
    Modernists’ works reflect the feeling of people who were caught in the constant stream of events that affect their lives without their concern.
  7. Bauhaus: The Beginning of Modernism
    The Bauhaus can truly be pointed to as the birth of the movement of Modernism. Modernism was the name given to the new forms that appeared in all of the arts.
  8. Modernism, Postmodernism, and Metaphysics
    In general, modernism, post-modernism, and metaphysics can be seen as approaches that attempt to answer the questions of morality, reason, subjectivity, and being.
  9. Mary Cassatt: Exploring Mother-Child Bonds in Impressionism
    A closer look at the painting Mary Cassatt’s “Mother and Child” offers interesting insights into the emotional and psychological bonds between a parent and a child.
  10. Mary Cassatt’s “Mother and Child” in Modernist Light
    This paper analyzes Cassatt’s “Mother and Child” highlighting how her unique technique reflects the coeval psychoanalytic research on the child-mother relation.
  11. Modernism and Postmodernism: Which World View Is More Conducive to Christian Beliefs
    This paper explores which world view, the modernity or the postmodernity, is more conducive to Christian beliefs.

🎓 Most Interesting Modernism Research Titles

  1. Artists and the Modernism of Andy Warhol, Helen Frankenthaler, and Jackson Pollock
  2. Modernism in Art and Design and How It Influenced 20th-Century Society
  3. Fundamental Differences between Modernism and Postmodernism
  4. Development of New Lives and New Landscapes in Rural Modernism in the 20th-Century Britain
  5. Changes Brought by Modernism and Postmodernism to the Modern World
  6. High Modernism and Postmodern Art in the Works of William Faulkner and Virginia Woolf
  7. Space, Time, and Vision in New York and American Modernism
  8. Early 1900s Poems on War and Modernism
  9. Modernism and Modernization between Japan and Korea
  10. American Modernism’s Key Representatives and Evolution
  11. Martin Puncher and Modernism Inside and Outside the Theatre
  12. Fighting Over One Hundred Years for Modernism
  13. Modernism and Neo-Platonism: Humanism and the Natural Beauty
  14. Eileen Gray during the Modernism Movement
  15. Similarities Between Modernism and European Modernism
  16. The Impact of Modernism on Art and Architecture
  17. Transformations in the Modern World Caused by Modernism
  18. Modernism, Evolution, and Vaporous Visions of Future Unity
  19. Brazilian Literature Criticism: Modernism and Postmodernism in Brazil
  20. Cubism and Its Influence on Cultural Productions Associated with Modernism
  21. The Relationship between Gender and Modernism
  22. New York and American Modernism: Space, Time, and The Vision
  23. Modernism: Just Another Word for the 20th Century
  24. What Is Modernism in African Art, and When Did It Take Place?
  25. Modernism and Democracy: Literary Culture 1900–1930

đź’ˇ Simple Modernism Essay Ideas

  1. Musical Modernism with Claude Debussy, Igor Stravinsky, and Arnold Schoenberg
  2. The Modernism Movement During the World War I
  3. Eugenics in the Early 20th-Century Modernism
  4. How Postmodernism Rejected the Modernism Movement
  5. Islam’s Faith’s Representation of Modernism and Fundamentalism
  6. Exploring the Creative Typographic Relationships between Modernism and Current Design
  7. Modernism and Greek Influence in the Literary Works of Arthur Miller
  8. Factors that Helped Shape Modernism
  9. Modernism’s Influence on the Visual Art World
  10. The Impact of Modernism on the Inner Self and Consciousness
  11. How Modernism Became an Iconic Decorating Style During the 1940s
  12. A Comparison of the Industrial Age and the Modernist Era
  13. Modernism and Chaos: The Art of Ludwig Meidner
  14. William Faulkner: High Modernism and Postmodernism Art
  15. The History of Modernism and How It Changed the World
  16. Modernism: Historical Events That Took Place
  17. How Modernism Has Changed Our Lives
  18. Modernism and Postmodernism Architecture Following WWII
  19. Geoffrey Scott and Architectural Modernism
  20. The Roaring 20’s: Modernism vs. Traditionalism
  21. Revolt Against the Tradition of Modernism Art
  22. Modernism, Modernization, and Modernity in Australia, 1919 –1939
  23. Hemingway and Woolf: Different Faces of Modernism
  24. Modernism and Its Impact on the 21st Century
  25. Criticism and Self-Criticism Throughout German Modernism

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StudyCorgi. "68 Modernism Essay Topics." July 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/modernism-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "68 Modernism Essay Topics." July 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/modernism-essay-topics/.

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