97 Palliative Care Essay Topics

šŸ† Best Essay Topics on Palliative Care

šŸŒ¶ļø Hot Palliative Care Essay Topics

  1. Palliative Care for Terminal Illnesses
    Palliative care focuses on the relief of anguish, psychosocial support, spiritual support, and closure leading up to and during the final days of life.
  2. Importance of Psychological Support in Palliative Care: Analyzing Patient and Caregiver Needs
    Since psychological support addresses emotional and spiritual needs, it aids palliative care patients and their caregivers.
  3. Patient-Family-Centered End-of-Life Care: Palliative and Hospice Strategies
    End-of-life care for a Korean American patient with metastatic breast cancer involves palliative methods and quality-of-life strategies.
  4. Enhancing Palliative Care for Non-Residents in Europe: A Program Proposal
    Personal experience and research, both highlighting the need for better palliative care for non-residents in Europe, inspired a support program proposal.
  5. Palliative Care for Aging Population
    As the demand for palliative care services continues to grow, healthcare providers are facing increasing challenges in terms of patient load, utilization, and reimbursement.
  6. Palliative Care and Hospice Programs Misunderstanding
    Hospice programs in hospitals could do better in providing necessary information concerning their program and its purpose to patients.
  7. The Impact of COVID-19 on Palliative Care
    The paper addresses the impact of COVID-19 on palliative care. All aspects of healthcare were affected by the pandemic, and palliative care was not exempted.
  8. The ā€œPalliativeā€ Documentary Film
    A critical analysis of the documentary ā€œPalliativeā€ should be performed and indicate whether or not the author of the film has achieved its goal.
  9. Palliative Care and Hospice Education Bill Advocacy
    This paper is a letter to senator Lauren Underwood that asks about the support bill H.R. 647: Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act.
  10. Grief, Loss, and Suffering at end of Life: Masters in Palliative Care
    Palliative care is ā€œany kind of care that lessens symptoms, improves the quality of life of an ailing individual together with his/her family, and provides professional support.ā€
  11. The Essence of Palliative Care
    The paper focuses on undertaking a critical review of the literature relating to “Palliative Care” and a justification of the use of evidence in improving healthcare practice.
  12. Palliative Care: Trends and Issues
    The paper set out to discuss the trends and issues in palliative care. It began by articulating the importance of palliative care in todayā€™s health care system.
  13. Nursing Skills for Palliative Care: A Critical Analysis
    Like any other study, Study of nursesā€™ knowledge about palliative care: A quantitative cross-sectional survey by Prem et al. had several risks to face.
  14. Beneficiaries of Palliative Care
    Palliative care entails satisfying the bodily, rational, and social demands of patients or caregivers. It improves patientsā€™ livelihood and ability to recover.
  15. Enhancing Nursesā€™ Skills for Palliative Care in Long-Term Care
    Health care providers need to be certain that the health services rendered to patients will be covered by health insurance.
  16. The Status of a Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse
    The status of a Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse(CHPN) serves as a guarantee of the competence of a registered nurse (RN) regarding the care of patients.
  17. Presentation on Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse
    Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse is a specific area of activity as it requires compassion skills, emotional contact, and long-term patient care skills.
  18. Enhancing Nursesā€™ Skills in Palliative Care
    This literature review will examine current research focusing on education and assessment tools for nurses that are used to facilitate referrals for palliative care.
  19. Organization of a Palliative Care Unit
    Palliative care is given to those who are nearing the last days of their lives when providing the best quality for remaining life is more significant than prolonging a miserable life.
  20. Public Health Service Act: Palliative Care Training
    Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act supports people living with serious illness and their families through expanded access to palliative care.
  21. Dr. Gawande’s End-of-Life Questions and Implications for Healthcare
    Patients often feel depressed and unable to make decisions while healthcare professionals may also lack the necessary knowledge and health to ensure the high-quality end of life care.
  22. Early vs. Delayed Management of Palliative Care: Key Considerations and Outcomes
    Bakitas et al. compare early and delayed palliative care management techniques and determine the benefits and disadvantages of both frameworks.
  23. Palliative Care and Humanistic Nursing Theory
    Palliative care aims to provide people with relief from the pain, symptoms, mental and physical stress, thereby improving the quality of life for sick people and their families.
  24. End-of-Life Decision Making: Norton and Bowers’ Critique
    The end-of-life phenomenon has always been a complicated issue. This paper is a critique of the article by Norton and Bowers in relation to curative and palliative choices.
  25. Impact of Palliative Care on Family: Gelfman et al. Study Review
    The study examined the impact of PC programs on health outcomes of family members. The studyā€™s findings have implications for nursing practice.

šŸŽ“ Most Interesting Palliative Care Research Titles

  1. Critical and Palliative Care Specialist at Oakland Hospital
  2. Palliative Care Environments and Massage Benefits
  3. How the Palliative Care Unit Meets Childrenā€˜s Life Quality
  4. Fostering Vicarious Resilience for Perinatal Palliative Care Professionals
  5. Key Features of Palliative Care Service Delivery to Indigenous Peoples in Australia
  6. Bereavement Support and Quality Palliative Care
  7. Ethics and Palliative Care for Terminally Ill Patients
  8. Does Palliative Care Provide a Peaceful Death
  9. Palliative Care and the Theory of Dorothea Orem
  10. What Are the Main Objectives of Palliative Care?
  11. Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Palliative Care
  12. The Philosophy and Principals of Palliative Care
  13. The Strategic Importance of Palliative Care Within the Irish Heath Service
  14. How Does Palliative Care Work in a Hospice?
  15. Palliative Care for Alzheimerā€˜s Patients
  16. Advanced Practice Nurse Role Within Palliative Care
  17. Breast Cancer and Palliative Care Issues
  18. Palliative Care for Cancer Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic, With Special Focus on Lung Cancer
  19. Good Enough Death: Autonomy and Choice in Australian Palliative Care
  20. Euthanasia: Suffering and Palliative Care

šŸ’” Simple Palliative Care Essay Ideas

  1. Palliative Care With Nurse Led Care At Home
  2. What Principles Does Palliative Care Advocate Nursing
  3. Ethical Issues of Palliative Care Nursing
  4. Comparing the Similarities and Differences Between Palliative Care and Hospice Care
  5. Hypercalcemia Effects and Treatment for Palliative Care Patients
  6. Pain and Symptom Management: An Important Part of Palliative Care
  7. Respecting Patientā€™s Dignity in Delivering Quality Palliative Care
  8. Ethical Considerations Regarding Terminal Illness and Palliative Care
  9. Negotiating Palliative Care Expertise in the Medical World
  10. The True Meaning and Purpose of Palliative Care
  11. Pediatric Palliative Care Initiative in Cambodia
  12. Dementia and Parkinsonā€™s Disease: Similar and Divergent Challenges in Providing Palliative Care
  13. History, Principles, and Delivery of Palliative Care
  14. Basic Symptom Control in Paediatric Palliative Care
  15. Physical and Psychological Domains of Palliative Care
  16. The Microbiome, Malignant Fungating Wounds, and Palliative Care
  17. Hospice and Palliative Care Organizations Overview
  18. Physical and Mental Health Domains of Palliative Care
  19. Psychosocial Screening and Assessment in Oncology and Palliative Care Settings
  20. Health Policy Approach for Palliative Care

ā“ Research Questions in Palliative Care

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. What Does It Mean to Provide a Person With Palliative Care?
  2. How Must Palliative Care Be Offered to Family Members of Patients With Terminal Illnesses?
  3. What Influences Referrals Within Community Palliative Care Services?
  4. Is Palliative Care Just for End of Life?
  5. What Is the Purpose of Palliative Care for a Patient With a Terminal Illness?
  6. Can Palliative Care Prolong Life?
  7. What Are the Essential Components of Palliative Care?
  8. Does Palliative Care Mean Its Terminal?
  9. What Is the Main Goal of Palliative Care?
  10. How Effective Is Palliative Care in Improving Patient Outcomes?
  11. What Is the Difference Between Palliative Care and End-of-Life Care?
  12. Is Palliative Care Always Effective?
  13. What Are the Domains of Palliative Care?
  14. Does Palliative Care Improve Survival?
  15. What is Children’s Palliative Care?
  16. How Long Is a Patient Usually in Palliative Care?
  17. What Is the Philosophy of End-of-Life Care and Palliative Care?
  18. Does Everyone Have Access to Palliative Care?
  19. Why Is Palliative Care Better Than Hospice?
  20. What Are Nursing Interventions for Palliative Care?
  21. Is Palliative Care Always the End?
  22. What Is the Difference Between Care and Palliative Care?
  23. Can Someone Recover From Palliative Care?
  24. Why Do Doctors Recommend Palliative Care?
  25. What Happens to a Patient in Palliative Care?

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StudyCorgi. "97 Palliative Care Essay Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/palliative-care-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "97 Palliative Care Essay Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/palliative-care-essay-topics/.

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