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71 Pricing Strategy Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Pricing Strategy

đź’ˇ Simple Pricing Strategy Essay Titles

  1. Keds Company’s Pricing and Marketing Strategies
    In Keds’ case, the existing competition from business rivals requires tactical marketing, customer service, quality, and price restructuring to meet its trading challengers.
  2. Pricing Strategies Comparison
    This paper gives a detailed analysis of choice using three pricing strategies: value-based, competitive, and cost-plus.
  3. Business Strategy in Supermarket Industry: Low Pricing
    The supermarket industry is one of the most competitive areas of the new product retailing business. To gain success, industry players need to employ successful business strategies.
  4. The Shetland Wool Company: Costing and Pricing Strategies
    The Shetland Wool Company is a small family-owned business that manufactures very high-quality hand-knitted wool sweaters.
  5. Pricing Strategy: The Good-Better-Best
    The G-B-B approach to pricing implies the focus on features offered by companies that they would value the most, which influences their willingness to pay for them.
  6. Voice-Activated Brake System Pricing Strategies in the UK
    Voice-Activated Brake System will help to cut down the number of car accidents, this will be enhanced by the pricing strategies planned to make the product enter domestic markets.
  7. Value Chain Management: The Pricing Strategy
    One of the most important characteristic of a top brand is its ability to deliver the benefits that customers truly desire.
  8. Australia’s Mobile Market: Marketing Strategies and Pricing Factors
    The internal and outside factors of the company that affect the pricing decisions of an existing, and a new mobile telephone service provider planning to enter the Australian market.
  9. Marketing Research in Pricing Strategy
    While developing a pricing strategy for a product, a few steps to be followed are to develop a marketing strategy, determine the marketing mix decisions other than price.
  10. Pricing and Marketing Strategies for Windows and Office That Microsoft Should Follow
    The strategies Microsoft is trying to employ show the potential for it to succeed despite some people showing pessimism.
  11. Odyssey Isle: Analyzing Pricing Strategies
    The present rate structure by which a person paying just a small amount and is able to visit five attractions is counterproductive for the company overall profitability.
  12. Analyzing Airline Pricing Strategies and Their Impact on Consumer Rights
    The airline industry has always been “beholden” so to speak to its fuel and airplane suppliers since, without them, it would be unlikely that they could continue operations.
  13. Key Steps in Setting Initial Pricing and Channel Management
    In choosing its pricing objectives, a company must first establish what it wants to achieve with a certain product offer. The demand limits the price that a company sets for its commodities or services.
  14. Richmond Plastics Company’s Product Pricing Strategy
    Richmond Plastics should develop an appropriate pricing strategy based on the competitors’ prices and the demand for the product or service in the market.

🌶️ Hot Pricing Strategy Ideas to Write about

  1. Factors Influencing the Degree of International Pricing Strategy Standardization of MNCs
  2. An Empirical Analysis of Determinants of Retailer Pricing Strategy
  3. Pricing in Uncertain Markets: Handling Foreign Exchange Movements
  4. Pricing Strategy for Export Activity in Developing Countries
  5. Retailer Pricing Strategy and Consumer Choice Under Price Uncertainty
  6. Optimal Pricing Strategy for Quantity Discount Promotions
  7. Evaluating Pricing Strategy Using E-Commerce Data: Evidence and Estimation Challenges
  8. An Analysis of Pricing Strategy and Price Dispersion on the Internet
  9. Eastern vs. Western Culture Pricing Strategies: Superstition, Lucky Numbers, and Localization
  10. Suitable Pricing Strategy for Foreign Market Entry
  11. The Influence of Demand Factors on Dynamic Competitive Pricing Strategy
  12. Applications of Decision Theory in Pricing Strategy
  13. Pricing Strategy of New Products Considering Consumers’ Switching Purchase Behaviors
  14. Self-Matching as a Retailer’s Multichannel Pricing Strategy
  15. Pricing Strategies That Every Venture Should Take Into Account
  16. Corporate Social Responsibility in Transfer Pricing Strategies
  17. Pricing Strategy as an Element of the Marketing Mix
  18. The Effectiveness of Price Discrimination as a Pricing Strategy in Low-Cost Airlines
  19. Consumer’s Behavior & Attitude Towards 9-Ending Pricing Strategy
  20. Pricing Strategies in the Revenue Management System of Hotel Enterprises
  21. Personalized Pricing as a Winning Strategy in Oligopolistic Markets
  22. How Pricing Strategy Can Increase the Competitive Advantage of Companies Implementing an ABC System
  23. Global Pricing Strategies for Pharmaceutical Product Launches
  24. Pricing Strategies for Information Technology Services: A Value-Based Approach
  25. How the Pricing Strategy of a Product Can Affect Revenue

🎓 Most Interesting Pricing Strategy Research Titles

  1. Manufacturer’s Pricing Strategy and Return Policy for a Single-Period Commodity
  2. Strategic Pricing Response & Optimization in Operations Management
  3. Pay What You Want as a New Participative Pricing Strategy
  4. Pricing Strategies to Encourage Availability, Purchase, and Consumption of Healthy Foods
  5. Customer Value-Based Pricing Strategies: Why Companies Resist
  6. The Impact of Marketing-Orientated Pricing on Product Mix Pricing Strategies
  7. Pros and Cons of Competition-Based Pricing Strategy
  8. Inelastic Sports Ticket Pricing, Marginal Win Revenue, and Firm Pricing Strategy: A Behavioral Pricing Model
  9. Pricing Strategies & Levels and Their Impact on Corporate Profitability
  10. Airline Pricing Strategies in European Airline Market
  11. The Left Digit Effect as a Psychological Pricing Strategy to Boost Sales
  12. Skimming vs. Penetration: Strategic Dynamic Pricing for New Products
  13. The Impact of Product Differentiation, Marketing Investments, and Brand Equity on Pricing Strategies
  14. Online Pricing Strategies: Implications for Luxury Consumers
  15. Premium Pricing Strategy as a Viable Option to Pursue Higher Revenue Performance
  16. Tobacco Industry Pricing Strategies in Response to Excise Tax Policies
  17. Amazon Pricing Strategy: Setting the Best Selling Price for Profits
  18. Strategic Pricing and Entry Under Universal Service and Cross-Market Price Constraints
  19. Profit Maximization Through a Differential Pricing Strategy
  20. Key Factors Influencing Pricing Strategies for Small Business Enterprises
  21. Penetration Pricing Strategy: What It Is and How It Works
  22. The Pricing Strategy With the Effect of Reference Dependence Under Monopolistic Competition
  23. Dynamic Pricing Strategies for Social Networks in the Presence of Externalities
  24. How Walmart’s Pricing Strategy Has Made It a Dominant Force as the World’s Largest Retailer
  25. The Impact of Competitive Entry in a Developing Market Upon Dynamic Pricing Strategies

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