115 Socrates Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Socrates

🔎 Easy Socrates Research Paper Topics

  1. St. Augustine, Socrates and Plato: Comparison
    Through analysis concerning the perception of faith and goodness, St. Augustine and Plato Socrates are similar in many aspects of philosophy.
  2. Socrates as an Example of a True Philosopher
    Socrates is an example of a true philosopher because he never sought to please other people and did not enjoy his superiority. His beliefs inspire and delight.
  3. Self-knowledge in Oedipus, Socrates, and Achilles
    The characters of Oedipus, Socrates, and Achilles can all be examined from the point of view of the extent to which knowing or not knowing themselves led them to their troubles.
  4. Inconsistency of Socrates’ Arguments in Crito and Apology
    Socrates remains true to his principles wishing to stay a member of his society and obeying to its laws no matter how unjust they may seem.
  5. Knowledge Is Perception in Theaetetus by Socrates
    In Theaetetus, Socrates argues about the matter and essence of knowledge in his dialogue with Theodorus. The latter believes that knowledge is perception.
  6. Socrates in Aristotle’s and Plato’s Works
    This paper discusses the depiction of Socrates in Aristophanes Clouds, Plato’s dialogues, and how Aristophanes Cloud’s depiction differs from Plato’s dialogues.
  7. Socrates’ Ideas and the Modern Life
    Over the years, various thinkers and philosophers have developed various approaches and concepts that have attempted to explain and understand human nature and life itself.
  8. Socrates’ Wisdom and Rational Thinking
    Socrates believed that his reason for living was the search for wisdom, which determined his worldview and opinion on the examination of life.
  9. Love and Friendship in Lysis and Symposium by Socrates
    The discussion of love and friendship is present throughout Plato’s Symposium, but it is centered in Lysis, Socrates’s dialogue where he defines the nature of friendship.
  10. Ethics and Popular Opinion in Socrates’ Philosophy
    This essay aims at examining Socrates’ stance on popular opinion in moral matters as well as his attitude to the Law System in Ancient Greece.
  11. Socrates and Antigone: Philosophical Comparison
    Socrates and Antigone were tried and condemned according to the laws and rules of the society and the epoch they lived in.
  12. Socrates’ Method and Philosophical Ideas
    The originality of Socrates’ method was that he never imposed his own opinion on the audience directly, but questioned and refuted the ideas of others, showing his own viewpoint.
  13. Socrates’ Metaphors as an Inspiration
    Socrates’ dialogue with Glaucon about the darkness of the cave and puppet-like nature of the world was the primary inspiration to continue developing the ideas in this sphere.
  14. Moral and Religious Obligations in Socrates’ “Antigone”
    In “Antigone”, as in our culture today, there is always a conflict between our values and religious obligations.
  15. Images of Oedipus, Socrates, and Hamlet in the Interpretation of Tragic Heroes
    Oedipus, Hamlet, and Socrates are united by firmness, steadfastness of the spirit, thirst for knowledge, and a tragic fate due to predestination and a ‘special destiny.’
  16. Socrates’ Understanding of God
    Socrates believed in God but in a way that was dramatically different from contemporary beliefs and was accused of impiety.
  17. Comparative Analysis of Socrates and Jesus of Nazareth
    Jesus and Socrates were considered a threat to society due to their uniqueness, and the knowledge they brought helped everyone understand their shortcomings.
  18. Comparison of Socrates’s, Epicurus’s, and Michel de Montaigne’s Views on Happiness
    At first sight, the philosophical views of Socrates, Epicurus, and de Montaigne are rather different. But they also proclaimed two similar ideas.
  19. The Justness of Socrates’s Decision to Accept the Death Penalty
    Socrates was sentenced to death for instilling ‘wrong’ political views in the youth, but instead of escaping his death, the philosopher accepted it with honor.
  20. Socrates’ Wisdom: A Quest for Knowledge or Material Gain?
    Socrates, the Greek philosopher, asserted that a life devoid of examination lacks value, emphasizing his commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.
  21. Socrates’ Philosophical Maxims Analysis
    The paper assesses Socrates’ philosophical maxims because they were focused on creating a society that is guided by wisdom, knowledge, and moral authority.
  22. Socrates vs. Plato in the Perspective of History
    The paper discusses Plato and Aristotle independently to compare and contrast. Their history, guiding principles, and critical ideas are discussed.
  23. How Socrates from The Golden Ass Is Inferior
    This paper discusses how Socrates from The Golden Ass is portrayed as inferior, particularly in terms of his moral values and conduct.
  24. Socrates’ Ideas and Plato’s Representation in “Allegory of the Cave”
    Socrates’ ideas and their representation in the “Allegory of the Cave” by Plato were discussed in this essay as corresponding elements.
  25. The Critical Analysis of the Trial of Socrates and Daodejing
    In this assignment, the books will be critically assessed in the context of modern society and the practical implementations they have today.
  26. Socrates as an Iconic Figure in Philosophy
    Socrates is an iconic figure in thought history that set the vector of flowing of the whole Western tradition. He was born around 470 B.C. and died in 399 B.C. by Athenian court order.
  27. Socrates as the Physician of the Soul
    Socrates sought to show how philosophy was effective in understanding human life and introduced himself as the physician of the soul.
  28. Socrates: Life and Death Discussion
    Socrates gave three distinct arguments in favor of life after death. His reasoning is not obliged to embrace the idea of soul immortality.

👍 Good Socrates Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Argumentation in Plato’s “Apology of Socrates”
    Socrates’s arguments against the accusations of the prosecutor Meletus are represented in two ways. One way included an explanation of the purpose and method of Socrates.
  2. Socrates and Thoreau on Law, Protest, and Politics
    Finally, both philosophers agree that the majority’s claim to power is based on force rather than being morally in the right, which makes it shaky at best.
  3. Plato’s, Aristotle’s, and Socrates’ Philosophical Ideas
    Despite the lack of similarity, the teachings of different philosophies are identified more easily, and their nature, as well as the similar concepts that appear in philosophy.
  4. Wisdom and Death in Socrates’ Philosophy
    Socrates’ philosophy, revealed through the themes of death, wisdom, and other eternal concepts, is rich and interprets many aspects of life.
  5. The Common Condition System by Socrates
    The common condition is a system that strengthens selflessness and respect for social equity and enhances citizenship.
  6. Decisions in The Trial of Socrates
    The trial of Socrates was undoubtedly arranged since the personality of the philosopher was disagreeable to some individuals.
  7. “The Last Days of Socrates” by Plato
    The Last Days of Socrates is one of the most underestimated works written by the world-known ancient Greek philosopher Plato.
  8. Apologies from Socrates: Analysis
    In Apology 28b-30c, Socrates admits that he is not ashamed of pursuing a life that has not put him at risk of early death.
  9. Philosophy: The Trial of Socrates
    Athens held the trial of Socrates to determine whether he was indeed guilty of asebeia against the pantheon of the city and the corruption of youth.
  10. Ethical Relativism: Socrates and Appiah’s Theories
    The paper aims to dedicate the negative wisdom of Socratic metaphysics and reason, the relationship between racism and sardonic sense under the influence of Appiah’s cosmopolitanism.
  11. Civil Disobedience: Socrates and Thoreau
    The civil disobedience movement was widely supported by philosophers of ancient times as well as modern thinkers. However, their views on the matter significantly differed.
  12. Whether Socrates Should Have Disobeyed the Terms of His Conviction and Escaped Prison?
    Socrates wanted to change manners and customs, he denounced the evil, deception, undeserved privileges, and thereby he aroused hatred among contemporaries and must pay for it.
  13. The Justice for Socrates: The Influence on the Development of the Philosophy
    The influence of Socrates on the development of philosophy could hardly be underestimated since his views provided a foundation for many philosophers to dwell upon.
  14. Meno 88-c Socrates Summary & Analysis
    In Meno 88-c Socrates claims “all that the soul undertakes and endures, if directed by wisdom, ends in happiness, but if directed by ignorance, it ends in the opposite”.
  15. Inconsistency of Socrates’ Arguments
    It is often the case that philosophical judgments are self-contradictory. This can especially be seen from the arguments that Socrates makes in Crito and Apology.
  16. Socrates’ Belief About the Pursuit of Truths
    From Plato’s dialogues, we have known Socrates to be a person who contributed greatly to the field of ethics and the Socratic critical method of inquiry for seeking the truth.
  17. Socrates and Plato: Ideas of the Great Philosophers
    The ideas of the ancient philosophers such as Socrates and Plato are often looked to for wisdom and an idea of the ‘right’ path one should take.
  18. Socrates in Phaedo: Equality and Justice
    One of the major questions of philosophy has always been the nature of the soul, what it is, where it resides, where it comes from, how it is developed, and for what purpose.
  19. The Factual Character of Socrates & the Fictional Character of Antigone: Comparison
    A great deal of what we know about Socrates the man, in fact, all of what we know of him, is what is written about him by others who may or may not have heard him speak.
  20. Socrates and His View on Happiness
    Philosophers and thinkers are always the rebels of their contemporary society. The foundations of their philosophy are laid on the basis of human welfare.
  21. Antigone & Socrates’ Philosophy: Critical Analysis Essay
    Socrates believed that the most important pursuit in life was a search for the truth while Antigone felt that it was adherence to the moralities passed down to people by the gods.
  22. Socrates’ Apology Analysis: Historical Details
    Apology of Socrates is a work of Plato that contains a version of Socrates’ speech delivered by him in 399 BC in his defense.
  23. Socrates’ Political Morality and Philosophy
    Socrates is the person to whom many people listen, and it is one of the main arguments against him is the encroachment on political morality.
  24. Socrates’ Innocence and Defense
    This paper presents a defense of Socrates by taking a position as a part of a jury in an Athenian court where Socrates stands accused of corrupting young minds.
  25. The Escape of Socrates in Plato’s “Crito”
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the strength of claims by Socrates, Crito, and Aquinas and examine whether Socrates should have disobeyed the terms of his conviction and escaped prison.
  26. Socrates’ Decision to Stay in Prison
    Socrates was imprisoned for corrupting the youth’s minds in Athens as well as defying the gods that the state recognized.
  27. Civil Disobedience in Socrates’ and King’s Opinion
    The moral arguments for and against civil disobedience are illustrated by two important political and philosophical figures in human history – Socrates and Martin Luther King Jr.
  28. Civil Disobedience: Socrates vs. Martin Luther King
    The idea of civil disobedience and its credibility has been considered by philosophers, politicians, and activists since the formation of governmental systems.
  29. Socrates in Plato’s Works: Apology and Crito
    This paper portrays a critical appraisal of Plato’s confession by concentrating on the ethical limits of legal requirements that depict Socrates’ opposition to national unfairness.
  30. Socrates: Social and Moral Censor of Philosopher
    Socrates played a key role in promoting justice and fairness, he was found guilty of debasing the minds of the young Athenians and rejecting the gods.

🎓 Most Interesting Socrates Research Titles

  1. The Life and Achievements of Greek Philosopher Socrates
  2. Ethics and Moral Reasoning: Socrates
  3. The Apology: The Accusations Against Socrates Leading to His Death
  4. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle as Members of a Single Philosophical Movement
  5. The Charges the Men of Athens Have Formed Against Socrates
  6. Socrates and Confucius’ Classical Traditions of Education
  7. The Life and Work of Socrates, an Ancient Greek Philosopher
  8. Socrates Believed That Right Insight Leads to Right Action
  9. The Difference Between the Philosophies of Plato and Socrates
  10. Socrates Arguments Regarding Moral Conventionalism
  11. The Trial and Death of Socrates: Linking the Symposium and the Apology
  12. Sophocles, Aristotle, and Socrates on Political Man and Sense of Duty
  13. Philosophical Discussion Regarding Socrates’ Theory of Recollection
  14. The Life, Trial, and Influence of Socrates on the Athenian Youth
  15. Socrates and Civil Obedience or Disobedience
  16. The Argument Between Thrasymachus and Socrates on Justice
  17. Soul, Piety, Virtue, and Socrates’ Philosophy
  18. The Negative Effects Caused by the Death of Socrates in Athens
  19. Ancient Greece and Important Contribution Socrates
  20. Socrates: “The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living”

❓ Questions About Socrates Philosophy

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. What Was Socrates’ Philosophy of Education?
  2. How Does Socrates Define Philosophy?
  3. Why Is Socrates Important in the History of Philosophy?
  4. Why Did Socrates Find the Philosophy of Anaxagoras Unsatisfying?
  5. What Was Socrates’ Mission in Life?
  6. Why Is Socrates Considered by Many to Be the True Father of Philosophy?
  7. What Are the Similarities Between Plato and Socrates?
  8. How Does Socrates Define Justice?
  9. What Were the Major Accomplishments of Socrates?
  10. What Was Socrates’ Argument Against Hedonism?
  11. How Did Socrates Use the Dialectic?
  12. What Is the Origin of the World According to Socrates?
  13. What Method Did Socrates Use for Philosophizing?
  14. How Does Socrates Understand the Proper Role of Medicine in a Society?
  15. Did Socrates Make Logical Fallacies?
  16. What Is Socrates’ Definition of Wisdom?
  17. What Was Socrates’ Opinion of Athenian Democracy?
  18. What Did Socrates Believe About the Soul?
  19. How Did Socrates Explain the Question “Who Am I”?
  20. What Role Did Religion Play in Socrates’ Philosophical Studies?
  21. Did Socrates Influence Stoicism?
  22. Why Do People Do Morally Wrong Acts According to Socrates’ Philosophy?
  23. What Did Socrates Mean by the Phrase “Know Thyself”?
  24. What Was Socrates’ View of Self-Control?
  25. What Is Socrates’s Attitude Toward Metaphysics?
  26. Why Is It Important to Take Care of the Soul in Socrates’ Philosophy?
  27. What Is Socrates’ Attitude Towards Death?
  28. Why Does Socrates Argue That It’s Not Good to Follow the Opinion of the Many?
  29. In What Ways Can Socrates Be Considered a Christian Thinker?
  30. How Is Thinking a Kind of Preparation for Death According to Socrates?

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