95 Workplace Discrimination Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Workplace Discrimination

🔎 Easy Workplace Discrimination Research Paper Topics

  1. Age and Gender Discrimination in the Workplace
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the gender discrimination in the workplace and describe their negative impact on the efficiency of the company.
  2. Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace
    Sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace are important modern problems. They lead to health deterioration and also influence an individual’s habits and attitudes.
  3. Workplace Discrimination: Analysis and Recommendations
    This study gives solutions to workplace discrimination in the context of organizational policies and practices and evaluates the aspect of effective communication styles.
  4. The Power of the EEOC: Ensuring a Discrimination-Free Workplace
    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is an independent federal agency responsible for enforcing civil rights laws against workplace discrimination.
  5. Outsourcing & Women’s Discrimination in the Workplace
    The article presents the issues of women’s discrimination in the workplace. The author argues that the pervasive in-work poverty is the primary challenge in the Philippines.
  6. Discrimination at Workplace
    Workers often face employment discrimination based on race. Thus, the issue of inappropriate treatment of various groups of workers is critically important and relevant.
  7. Discrimination Against Women at the Workplace
    One of the most pressing issues related to discrimination in corporations concerns prejudiced attitudes towards women.
  8. Disability Discrimination in the Workplace
    This essay expounds on the job design nature applied by criminal justice agencies. It also explains how the agencies use ADA to accommodate disabled persons.
  9. Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace
    This paper examines the issues faced by an employee at Abercrombie & Fitch, evaluates the case in terms of the law, and assesses the potential actions of the HR director.
  10. Workplace Discrimination Laws: Court Case
    Employers who terminate their workers on the basis of their sexual orientation break the law by violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  11. Discrimination of Women in the Workplace
    Women have begun to gain more opportunities and are recognized in a wider range of industries, yet women in the workplace continue to face discrimination, prejudice, and lower pay.
  12. Disabled Americans in the Workplace and Discrimination
    This paper examines the background and the ethical issues involved in disabled Americans in the workplace and discrimination.
  13. Discrimination in the Workplace: A Case Study
    Case study analysis of John being humiliated and groundlessly insulted by his supervisor, apparently because of his supervisor’s racist tendencies.
  14. Discrimination in the Workplace: Case Study
    The work is aimed to discuss the issue of discrimination in the workplace considering the case study of Robert D. Frazier v. Nextel Partners, Inc.
  15. Laws on Pregnancy Discrimination in Workplace
    It is appropriate to introduce a reporting system that would help the employees to provide their comments and deliver the necessary information if there is any suspicion of discrimination.
  16. Workplace Discrimination: O’Bannon v. Friedman’s & Nyfield v. Virgin Islands
    The present paper analyzes two court cases to demonstrate important concepts associated with workplace discrimination.
  17. Workplace and Housing Discrimination in Canada: Reasons and Response
    This paper focuses on workplace and housing discrimination in Canada. Despite human rights laws, discrimination is still evident in Canada.
  18. Navigating Immigrant Discrimination in the Workplace: Opportunities and Challenges
    The paper aims at examining an article about the peculiarities of immigrant discrimination in the workplace. The authors introduce two hypotheses about immigrants.

🎓 Most Interesting Workplace Discrimination Research Titles

  1. Gender Promotion Gaps: Career Aspirations and Workplace Discrimination
  2. Affirmative Action and Workplace Discrimination
  3. How Our Society and Culture Reinforces Women’s Discrimination at the Workplace?
  4. Understanding the Effects of Workplace Discrimination
  5. How to Prevent Workplace Discrimination?
  6. Are Transgenders Protected From Discrimination in the Workplace?
  7. Workplace Discrimination and Harassment During COVID-19
  8. Poor Education, Workplace Discrimination, and Judicial Inequality
  9. What an Employer Can Do to Prevent Discrimination?
  10. Age and Workplace Discrimination in Lithuania
  11. Employer Preference and Discrimination in the Workplace
  12. Addressing Workplace Discrimination: 5 Ways to Build Employee Trust and Confidence
  13. Workplace Discrimination and Autism Spectrum Disorders
  14. Impact of Workplace Discrimination on Employee Wellbeing
  15. Workplace Discrimination: What It Is and How to Avoid It
  16. How Does Workplace Discrimination Affect Businesses?
  17. Preventing Unlawful Workplace Discrimination in California
  18. Racism, Prejudice, and Discrimination in the Workplace
  19. Workplace Discrimination, a Picture of Hope and Concern
  20. How Workplace Discrimination Has Changed Over the Last Generation?

đź’ˇ Simple Workplace Discrimination Essay Ideas

  1. Why Workplace Discrimination Laws Are Needed?
  2. Direct and Indirect Discrimination in the Workplace
  3. Corporate Greed and Workplace Discrimination
  4. Workplace Discrimination as a Risk Factor for Long-Term Sickness Absence
  5. Workplace Discrimination Against LGBT
  6. Avoiding Sexual Orientation and Gender Discrimination in the Workplace
  7. Workplace Discrimination and the Case Against Coca-Cola Co
  8. How to Address Conflict-Related to Workplace Discrimination?
  9. Workplace Discrimination as a Common Problem
  10. Gender Issues and Discrimination in the Workplace
  11. Workplace Discrimination and Legal Frameworks
  12. The Effect of Workplace Discrimination on Job Attitudes
  13. Workplace Discrimination: Tips for Employees and Employers
  14. Ban on Workplace Discrimination
  15. How to Deal With Workplace Discrimination?
  16. The Different Types of Workplace Discrimination
  17. Understanding and Reducing Workplace Discrimination
  18. Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying Policy
  19. Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination
  20. When Does Workplace Discrimination Occur?

âť“ Research Questions About Discrimination in the Workplace

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. How Does Workplace Discrimination Undermine Organizational Effectiveness?
  2. How Can Organizations Deal With Age-Related Discrimination in the Workplace?
  3. Why Is the Workplace Discrimination Policy Important?
  4. What Should an Employee Know About His Rights to Avoid Discrimination in the Workplace?
  5. Can Race, Class, and Gender Cause Discrimination in the Workplace?
  6. Does Discrimination in the Workplace Reduce Productivity?
  7. How Does Discrimination in the Workplace Affect Organizational Behavior?
  8. What Law Prohibits Discrimination in the Workplace?
  9. How Does Discrimination in the Workplace Harm Individuals?
  10. What Are the Consequences of Discrimination in the Workplace?
  11. How Can a Company Prevent Discrimination in the Workplace?
  12. How Can the Lack of Broad Federal Legislation Contribute to Discrimination in the Workplace?
  13. What Is Age Discrimination in the Workplace?
  14. What Is the Role of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Preventing Discrimination in the Workplace?
  15. Can the Employer Avoid Responsibility for Discrimination in the Workplace?
  16. What Are Examples of Discrimination in the Workplace?
  17. Is It Illegal to Discriminate Against Someone for Their Religion in the Workplace?
  18. What Discrimination in the Workplace Is Specifically Outlawed?
  19. Do Workplace Discrimination Laws Apply to Small Businesses?
  20. Is It Possible to Fire an Employee Who Constantly Complains About Discrimination in the Workplace?
  21. How to Recognize Discrimination in the Workplace?
  22. What Are the Reasons for the Extent of Wage Discrimination in the Workplace?
  23. What Makes Discrimination in the Workplace Unethical?
  24. How Do You Deal With Unfair Discrimination in the Workplace?
  25. How Can We Stop Discrimination in the Workplace?
  26. Which Group of Americans Experienced the Most Blatant Forms of Discrimination in the Workplace?
  27. Do Cultural Traditions Influence Discrimination in the Workplace?
  28. How Does Discrimination in the Workplace Affect the Mental Health of Employees?
  29. What Is Direct and Indirect Discrimination in the Workplace?
  30. How to Avoid Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation in the Workplace?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, October 26). 95 Workplace Discrimination Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/workplace-discrimination-essay-topics/

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StudyCorgi. "95 Workplace Discrimination Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/workplace-discrimination-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "95 Workplace Discrimination Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/workplace-discrimination-essay-topics/.

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