Professional destructions gradually accumulate changes in the established structure of activity and personality. Overcoming professional destruction is accompanied by mental tension, psychological discomfort, and crisis phenomena. Lack of timely psychological aid can affect not only the quality of care but negatively affect a medical worker. Identifying alarm signals in the health care provider’s behavior is essential to implement effective and timely interventions.
Needs Assessment
The importance of a physician’s psychological well-being stems from several factors. On the one hand, it stems from the content of the professional activity aimed at providing medical care to patients in an environment of high cost of error (Dam et al., 2019). On the other hand, the heavy load and changes in the medical sphere lead to burnout and lethal outcomes. The specificity of work in the state contributes significantly to the peculiarities of the psychological well-being of doctors working in these organizations.
Need for Research
The purpose of the work is to identify the alarming signals of the behavior of the medical worker for the possibility of timely assistance. The anxiety cues can be analyzed using the Perlman and Hartman classification (Mendelsohn et al., 2019). This study analyzes the physiological reactions that lead to exhaustion and the affective-cognitive reactions related to demoralization. Moreover, behavioral reactions must be considered, such as distancing oneself from work duties.
Online surveys allow for the broadest range of tasks and offer more options. Additional testing materials can be built into the questionnaire while providing a more comfortable environment for the respondents.
Project Timeline
One of the main distinctive features of any project is its limited time, i.e., the presence of a start point and an endpoint. Based on the scale of the concept and the number of processes that need to be met to achieve the goal, a period of 10 weeks. This time is the optimal time to achieve the objectives and the presentation of results.
Thus, the well-being of medical residents is a highly relevant topic. Troubling disorders are most characteristic of medical workers and other professional groups whose activities are connected with communication with people and prolonged emotional tension. Changes in behavior, sleep disorders, and communication with colleagues are the most striking behavioral alarms. Recognizing them is of great importance in the recovery process of health professionals.
Dam, A., Perera, T., Jones, M., Haughy, M., & Gaeta, T. (2019). The relationship between grit, burnout, and well‐being in emergency medicine residents. AEM educationand training, 3(1), 14-19. Web.
Mendelsohn, D., Despot, I., Gooderham, P. A., Singhal, A., Redekop, G. J., & Toyota, B. D. (2019). Impact of workhours and sleep on well‐being and burnout for physicians‐in‐training: the Resident Activity TrackerEvaluation Study. Medical education, 53(3), 306-315. Web.