Understanding the Impact of Illegal Immigration in the United States


Illegal immigrants are those people who have gained access to the United States of America without proper authority and will be deported if found as such. It also means those who have entered the United States of America legally after which they fell out of the required status and are therefore to be deportable.

More than ten million immigrants are undocumented in the United States of America. A division has always been created amongst Americans due to the issue of illegal immigrants. One group of people hold that such immigrants are a benefit to the American economy because they are an additional source of revenue in terms of taxation; they also provide labor at a cheap cost, increase the money that is in circulation, take tasks that original American citizens can never take and that they could just lead to the achievement of America’s dream.

A second group argues that illegal immigrants ought to be deported back to their countries of origin. This group says that the immigrants are a threat to security because they are secret criminals as well as a burden to tax-paying, and law-abiding American citizens.

Body of the article

Illegal immigrants should be deported out of America as they bring more negative aspects than positive aspects. One such factor is the issue of insecurity. Policies that are welcoming to immigration have turned against America. Terrorists take advantage of these (easy-to-pass borders, laxity in enforcing immigration rules). There are almost eight million such immigrants who live in the United States of America. Another nearly one million continue to penetrate the borders each year. On 11 September 2011, approximately three thousand American citizens were killed. One of the factors that contributed to this was the fact that our borders were not properly sealed.

Illegal immigrants cannot pay their utility bills and therefore have no right to food stamps. In addition, they cannot pay their taxes, as this would amount to what is called transacting with the American government. These immigrants also interrupt the control federal governments have over immigration.

The presence of illegal immigrants has led to resources going unclaimed. Offering such people food stamps only encourages them to come into the country in larger numbers. This is because most of them find food very expensive and therefore have to depend on food stamps. These offer them a fast hunger solution especially at a time when there is economic depression. Illegal immigrants act as if it is their right to receive benefits available to other United States citizens.

Most of them do not have the idea that there are some benefit programs that do not include them. They have simply taken all our rights; emergency treatment and relief (short-term) as well as being immunized for communicable diseases.

Illegal immigrants should not receive social services. Extending benefits in full range to immigrants who have no proper right to reside in the United States is not justifiable and may lead to a lot of money being wasted in healthcare. Already at both the state and federal levels, taxpayers spend approximately eleven billion dollars each year to take care of illegal immigrants’ healthcare. This is never reimbursed. Emergency care must be given to anyone in a life-threatening situation. Even though this is decent as humans, it leads to an increment in costs to the rest of the citizens, hence adding to the current big deficit. The president has since promised this will not occur.

Data provided by the Census Bureau has proved that most families in the U.S.A that have an illegal immigrant as their head consume welfare programs that are taxpayer-funded in place of their American-born offsprings.

Works Cited

Hate Media. Illegal immigrants in US. 2011. Web.

Procon organisation. Immigration Studies. 2012. Web.

Stein, Daniel. President of the Federation for American Immigration Reform. New York: McGraw Hill, 2011.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Understanding the Impact of Illegal Immigration in the United States." October 5, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/illegal-immigrants-in-the-united-states/.


StudyCorgi. "Understanding the Impact of Illegal Immigration in the United States." October 5, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/illegal-immigrants-in-the-united-states/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Understanding the Impact of Illegal Immigration in the United States." October 5, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/illegal-immigrants-in-the-united-states/.

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