Importance of Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins are essential micronutrients needed by the body in small quantities. They are also essential for normal cell functions, growth and development. Vitamins are grouped into fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. The body stores the fat-soluble vitamins in its fatty tissues and these facts are absorbed easily from dietary fat. On the other hand, water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body. They are obtained from diet regularly to prevent shortage and the excesses are excreted through urine.

Vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets in children. One of the key sources of vitamin D is the sun. The body has the capacity to synthesize its own vitamin D from direct sunlight. Vitamin K takes part as a co-enzyme in the synthesis of several factors involved in the clotting cascade. It also has antioxidant properties that protect cell membranes from injury caused by excess free radicals. Patients on Coumadin should not avoid foods containing vitamin K. Coumadin antagonizes vitamin K activity and consequently prothrombin (Kasperkiewicz et al., 2020). Therefore, there is a need for constant intake of Vitamin K to maintain its optimum functioning.

First, the good bacteria responsible for synthesis of vitamin K is absent in the intestines of the new-born. Second, breast milk has little amounts of vitamin K, hence, the baby does not get enough. If a newborn does not get the first shot of Vitamin K, they will be at high risk of developing vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB).

High doses of niacin are used to treat cholesterol by increasing levels of high density lipoproteins and decreasing levels of low density lipoproteins. Infants of between 0 to 6 months should take 2mg per day while those between 7 and 12 months take 4mg per day. Its side effects include damage to the liver, glucose intolerance and problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Folate is used in the synthesis and repair of DNA and it is important in cell division. It also plays a role in the synthesis of new red blood cells hence preventing anemia. Folate is critical during the first weeks of fetal development (first three months of pregnancy) since this is the period of rapid growth of the fetus. Excessive intake of folic acid leads to side effects such as diarrhea, irritability, rashes, abdominal crumps and stomach upset.

Intrinsic factor refers to a glycoprotein that is secreted by the parietal cells in the gastric mucosa. Vitamin B12 is not found in plant foods and its deficiency in the diet leads to development of anemia. For that reason, vegans need to supplement their diet using fortified foods. The two classes of minerals are macro minerals and trace minerals. Macro minerals are required in large quantities by the body while trace minerals are needed in small quantities.

High levels of potassium lower the blood pressure while high levels of sodium increase blood pressure. To lower hypertension, one needs to have a diet with high amounts of potassium and low amounts of sodium. Adults should have a daily intake of more than 3510 mg and less than 200mg of sodium daily.

Condition Vitamin or mineral
Impaired immune infection Vitamin A
Vitamin E
Rickets Vitamin D
Night blindness Vitamin A
Mouth sores Zinc
Poor blood clotting Vitamin K
Vitamin E
Bleeding gums Vitamin C
Dermatitis Vitamin B3
Nerve pain in legs and arms Vitamin D
Vitamin B12
Poor wound healing Zinc
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Poor/stunted growth Vitamin D


Kasperkiewicz, K., Ponczek, M. B., Owczarek, J., Guga, P., & Budzisz, E. (2020). Antagonists of vitamin K—popular coumarin drugs and new synthetic and natural coumarin derivatives. Molecules, 25(6), 1465. Web.

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