Importance of Voting: Civic Duty and Democratic Engagement

Voting is a right and an obligation of anyone aged eighteen and above. Many citizens neglect the opportunity to participate in selecting the new representatives of the power branch, which is not justified. Indeed, the right to vote is officially only a right, and no one can be made to vote against their will. However, people should realize that participating in the voting process is a crucial civic duty.

Moreover, voting is a process characterizing a democratic society, and the more people vote, the more positive the outcomes for the country will be. There are three compelling reasons why people over eighteen should engage in the voting process. Voting allows individuals to express their voice in democracy, serves as a mechanism for change, and enables people to protect their rights.

The primary reason for participating in the voting process is the inclusion of all citizens in government decisions that impact local and state development. Research indicates that younger people do not tend to participate in voting, whereas being more experienced and possessing certain psychological traits increases the likelihood of participating (Aytaç and Stokes 14).

Typically, these features include the level of income (Aytaç and Stokes 14), which is more pertinent to people older than eighteen. However, young people should realize that voting increases their chances to influence policies, choose leaders, and shape the direction in which society will move. As a result, their lives will move. Participation of every citizen promotes the legitimacy of the democratic system and maintains its effectiveness.

Participation in voting also establishes a mechanism for change and accountability. Through elections, people can express their approval or disapproval of how the current administration performs its duties. As Barnett put it, the chance that someone’s vote will make a difference is “very tiny,” but the difference that voice could make is “very great” (422). If one contends that some policies or regulations need adjustment, voting is the simplest and most constructive way to advocate for the desired change. By holding the elected officials responsible, voters help ensure their concerns and needs are considered.

Finally, voting enables every individual to protect their values and rights. The decisions made by elected policymakers and officials can have a crucial impact on the issues that matter to the potential voter (Barnett 423-424). Such aspects of life, such as civil rights, environmental issues, economic and social policies, and others, are decided by the authorities that gain their power through the election process.

When citizens are active in voting, they promote transparency and support the rule of law, which are the basis of any democratic society. Each vote is a sign of citizens’ belief in the democratic system and their willingness to uphold the principles of a fair society. Hence, by voting, one can support those candidates who align with their priorities, meaning they will build a society most closely reflecting one’s aspirations and beliefs.

Participating in the voting process empowers individuals to influence the future development of their society. That is why all citizens over eighteen should exercise their right to vote since it will allow them to express their voice in democracy, create a mechanism for change, and help protect their rights. By voting, individuals can protect the values and rights that matter to them and hold the elected leaders accountable for their actions. Voting indicates one’s active engagement in one’s community and nation as a whole.

Works Cited

Aytaç, Erdem, and Susan C. Stokes. Why Bother? Rethinking Participation in Elections and Protests. Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Barnett, Zach. “Why You Should Vote to Change the Outcome.” Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 48, no. 4, 2020, pp. 422-446.

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