Improvement Plan Executive Summary of “Optimum”

Optimum Healthcare centre has been operating for the last 20 years. It is focused mainly on providing quality health services in the country. This health institution has competent health care providers who ensure proper management to keep the business running smoothly. Its administration personnel consists of Medical and health services managers/health care executives who are responsible for making arranging, directing, coordinating, and supervising health care liberation services in the institution. Assistant administrators aid in handling daily decisions. Other staff include; Clinical managers, physicians and Health information managers (Barney, 1991).

The mission of this institution is providing average health care services. Attaining their task is dependent on quality guidelines, the aspect of quality and means of assessing quality of their duty. The organization provides services such as helping patients to achieve required health status through diagnosing and treating infections/illness. In addition, it is focused on preventing disease infection through health education to the community (Healthcare System Services, 2009).

Goals and objectives of the institution are to meet client’s needs through its speedy, consistent health services. Service provision is designed to satisfy the client and the family members’ expectation towards achieving good health. It is the institution’s duty to maintain good communication to both patient and family on the patient’s health progress. The obligation of the institute is to develop health and endorse quality life among all clients (Healthcare System Services, 2009).

Quality Improvement activities include; keeping on achieving the goal of providing excellent health care to its patients. To attain this goal the institute has included all its personnel in the quality upgrading in efforts to get rid of the errors present during administration of prescription to their patients. All staff members are issued with programs indicating their tasks. This program includes the following: patients’ medication right administration, seminars, Patients management, employees and doctors surveys, hospital safety goals and reviews (Boyden, 1984).

Data Collection tools should be used during program implementation to improve markedly Optimum Health Care institution. It requires flow charts to serve purposes like;

  1. Drawing to designate the procedure of medicine administration, and documenting patients’ prescription.
  2. Facilitating the institute to categorize revise loops and difficulty in a process.
  3. To help recognize and simplify some compound processes
  4. Helping the institution to assess necessity of locating up new changes

The institution can Use bar graphs as a data collecting tool. It can be used to display discrepancies of various effects. For instance, in out patient daily clinic attendance it can designate patient’s attendance. Diagrams can be applied to illustrate why some strategies exploited are not working properly.

They can also show correlation between different aspects of health care management in this health care institution (The Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 2009).Diagrams will give organizational quality improvement panel members a collective perceptive of the procedure and utilization of awareness how to collect data, recognize problems, center on discussing and identifying resources.Using the diagram will also give the essentials desired to create their innovative processes that require to be put in work.

Through use of diagrams, optimum health care centre will be able to demonstrate to the staff on steps followed towards achieving particular objectives. Use of diagrams and graph will exhibit relation ship linking cause and effect. Diagrams will enable the institution to focus on the diverse parts of each scheme that require the main consideration and the justification for focusing on the sectors (Chaffee, 1985).

Processes and Methodology; optimum health care centre should use methodology known as Customer-Inspired Quality during organization’s quality improvement process. It is appropriate for accomplishment in the healthcare sector since it defines every patients concerns and organizational processes. It is also hospital/service institute forthcoming, comprehensible to all stakeholders which encourages extensive cross section of staff effort and participation.

It’s directorial and management procedures are implemented to monitor work process, changes and take quality methods used in manufacturing and acclimatize them into the healthcare industry that can offer thriving short and long-term improvements in quality, secure, and client contentment (Tichy, 1983).

Use of electronic record system known as EHR reduced errors, like drug prescription errors, infection prevention management, and in disease diagnosis and test procedures. EHR machine is automated to check on allergic reaction possible after drug /food interactions, right drug doses, and health promotion education.

Use of Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) has reduced medication errors and the possible allergic reaction related to medication. It gives doctors opportunity to enter codes for prescriptions, consultation, tests done into a computer with software designed to gather and transfer the data. This way, miscellaneous medical errors are evaded as compared to using manual handwriting and or verbal orders (Tichy, 1983).

Optimum health care centre applies Comparative Databases to incorporate procedures in maintain steady review with correlated intuitions, standards and most excellent practices. Frequently implementing innovative measures will help the institute to provide the best care to their clients. It is important for the institute to carry on to benchmark with local hospitals and facilities within a neighborhood to be able to maintain being among the preeminent medical amenities (Tichy, 1983).

Optimum medical health care centre structure is as follows:

  1. Governing Board, which maintains ability and duty to ensure excellent care established by their clients.
  2. Chief Executive Office (CEO) working straight under the Governing Board.He/she is in charge of ensuring that the value perfection arrangement is maintained and ensures successful quality progress of the quality improvement program.
  3. The Medical Director together with the Quality Improvement Committee direct and manage every quality improvement actions.
  4. The Medical Director informs the Governing Board on medical matters

The Quality Improvement Committee’s main role is to supervise the medical and operational systems concerning the patients and the staff.

Every department in Optimum Healthcare Centre is accountable for quality development activities taken by every employee. All of the quality expansion initiatives ought to be conducted as an element of the institution. This will consist of monitoring their recruits to make sure that progress is achieved and sustained (Strategic Technologies Inc., 2004).

The Quality Improvement Committee is essential in reimbursement of quality information. This team will trail, style, and combine the information collected, generate information and communicate the results to the Governing Board. The Governing Board will then inform the entire team.

Educating entire staff of optimum health care centre is recommended. Every staff should attend all activities on quality development plan, which should be held yearly. All the employees should be educated and oriented on this program and be updated on any changes concerning the program (Strategic Technologies Inc., 2004).

This program must be assessed each year to authenticate its efficiency of the program towards achieving its objective of providing quality health care to the patients. A summarize all activities and changes which have taken place through out the program (Strategic Technologies Inc., 2004).


Barney, J. (1991). Firm resources and sustainable competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1), 1-10.

Boyden, L.R. (1984). Competitive strategic management. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Chaffee, E. (1985). Three models of strategy. Academy of Management Review, 10(1), 1-8.

Healthcare System Services. (2009).Our mission, our vision. Web.

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2009). Tools. Web.

Tichy, N. (1983). Managing strategic change: Technical, political, and cultural dynamics. New York, NY: John Wiley.

Strategic Technologies Inc. (2004). Improvement approaches – comparison table. Web.

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