Improving Management at SNHU Pet Supply Company

Management skills are essential components of any group to accomplish organizational goals. The issue of SNHU Pet Supply Company affects team members and decreases the overall motivation and collective spirit. Managers send out detailed lists of tasks weekly, making employees stressed, as team members should explain any task deviations. Some workers think the division of skills is inappropriate in the given context. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out management methods to improve team efficiency and productivity.

Management serves as an approach that helps to regulate and mobilize business activity. Managerial methods facilitate employees’ effectiveness and motivation, fostering prompt execution of the company’s aims (Pikas et al., 2020). Moreover, it is expected to make work structured and clear for the team’s understanding. Managers of the given company might confuse other workers with detailed weekly lists of tasks, as multitasking is not a comfortable way of working for many people. Setting SMART goals might become a resourceful solution for the company; it divides objectives into several specific steps, and the larger aim becomes more precise for understanding (Corporate Finance Institute, 2022). Additively, it excludes the accomplishment of unnecessary activities such as long detailed task lists. Accordingly, managers should note their workers’ individual attributes and find the best ways to distribute tasks among them. It will solve the issue of misunderstanding and employees’ dissatisfaction.

Overall, managerial practices explain how to make business processes more effective and sufficient. Making corporate aims clear and achievable becomes possible due to multiple management methods. Furthermore, managers might focus on the most practical skills of every employee; it can solve the problem of improper skill division within the organization. Thus, the combination of SMART goals and skills orientation might improve motivation and efficiency in the team. With this approach, employees will precisely understand what they should do.


Corporate Finance Institute. (2022). SMART goals. Web.

Pikas, E., Koskela, L., & Seppänen, O. (2020). Improving building design processes and design management practices: A case study. Sustainability, 12(3), 911.

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