In Praise of the F Word Article by Marry Sherry

Marry Sherry, in the article “In Praise of the F Word,” emphasized that it is essential for students’ future to treat them with receiving bad grades if they are not studying enough, to put fear in them, so they would have the motivation to study. After graduating, students face the problem of a lack of knowledge and skills for their future careers. Marry Sherry blames education for this problem, as not enough attention is paid to the calm children, and there are prejudices about the impact of external factors on children’s education (Sherry, n. d.). Each person can overcome problems and study if they have a reason and motivation. In addition, the fear of economic or academic failure will show the value of education and motivate students to study. There are many other strategies to motivate students, but the mentioned one is the most effective in some cases.

The author provided an example of the effectiveness of such a strategy: her son was unwilling to learn, and his English teacher told him that she would fail him; as a result, the author’s son got a solid motivation to study (Sherry, n. d.). Marry provided an example of a student who stated that due to his calm behavior, teachers paid no attention to his education. As a result, this student could not even read. Children who have no desire to study will not learn if no ultimatum is given to them. Because these students do not understand the value of education, then give them no choice but to study, this situation will change. Nevertheless, to achieve success, parents and teachers should work together so that parents support teachers efforts and methods to improve children’s desire to study. Lastly, in this article, the author supports returning to the policy of failing students who have no motivation to study (Sherry, n. d.). This strategy will help students to start studying hard and benefit from it.


Sherry M. (1991). In praise of the F word. Newsweek. Web.

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