Innovative Nursing Care Delivery Models

The Evercare Care Model is a care coordination program that operates in 38 states as a part of Ovations or a “division of UnitedHealth group” (Health Workforce Solutions [HWS], 2011). Within this program, nursing specialists offer primary and preventive care to aged clients with long-term disabilities and diseases (HWS, 2011).

Speaking about the reasons of choosing the Evercare Care Model for my work setting, I have to note that it appears to be of current interest with regards to the contemporary social developments in the community served by our hospital. To explain, the generation of baby boomers is getting older and these people come to have numerous health issues requiring regular hospitalization for the acute care and the long-term conditions that need constant care in the home settings. Thus, the Evercare Care Model is relevant in connection with these developments since it provides the theoretical framework to address the emerging problems.

This innovative care model fully corresponds to the mission and vision of our hospital as well as its stated philosophy and values. Both the Evercare Care Model and our hospital mission are focused on improving the health of individuals and community we serve. Moreover, the model coincides with our vision that is to ensure top rate quality of the offered nursing, community consultation, research, and education services (HWS, 2011).

Development Team for Innovative Nursing Care Model

To develop and implement the suitable innovative nursing care model in our unit, I would select the nursing professionals who demonstrate excellent collaboration skills, leadership qualities, and desire to invest more time and energy into their professional growth and the prosperity of our healthcare institution (Skolnick, 2012). In addition, I would select the ancillary and technical staffs who want to contribute to the positive atmosphere in the collective body and perform their duties effectively. All these team members are important for the success of the project since each of them have their unique role in the realization of our shared mission, vision, and the organizational philosophy. Concerning the chief executive officers down to housekeeping, to implement the given innovative care model, the team will need to cooperate with the community director on social issues, as well as a group of community social workers. To implement the model and get all the members of the team interested, I will organize discussion meetings where the community advantages from the model application along with motivating factors of financial compensation for all the workers will be explained in detail.

Incorporation of Selected Model into the Work Setting

To adapt the Evercare Care Model to my working settings, I will actualize the concepts of this program that find the most effective implementation in regard to the needs of our community. The analysis of the current situation demonstrates that the following objectives will become the focus of the model adaptation: (1) coordination of clinical care services, (2) facilitation of effective communication between physicians and other representatives of healthcare institutions; (3) ensuring of integrative treatments for clients; and (4) promotion of reciprocity between nursing professionals and patients’ families (HWS, 2011). To justify the rationale for the selection of the above-mentioned objectives, I need to clarify the issues that we have faced this year. It has been noted that the management of our nursing unit has encountered multiple cases of complaints from the aged clients and their families who are displeased on the reason of omissions in the nurses’ educational work with clients. The essence of complaints was the lack of information on home treatment procedures. Therefore, I believe that to meet the needs of our unit, the Evercare Care Model should be adapted to train the nursing professionals so that they could increase the level of effectiveness in cooperating with clients (HWS, 2011). Overall, with the help of this model, I aim to actualize my body of knowledge and practical skills in order to meet and exceed the clients’ expectations as it is well-known that the aged population is rather demanding (Skolnick, 2012).

Evaluation of the Model: Outcome Measurement

After implementation of the model, I would measure such outcomes as (1) customer satisfaction; (2) the term of staying patients in the hospital during the acute stage; (3) team members satisfaction; and (4) and the situation with the community health issues. I aim to realize these evaluation after the six-moth term from the beginning or the program functioning and I plan to conduct repeated measurements every each six-month period within the three following years.


HWS. Health Workforce Solutions. The Evercare Care Model. (2008). Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Princeton, NJ. Web.

Skolnick, R. (2012). Global Health 101, (2nd ed). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

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