Inspiration by Robert Frost’s Poetry


Inspiration is a normal process in art creation, moreover, one can argue that all art pieces were created as a result of the artist being inspired by other works or by the world around them. The inspiration for the poem “Autumn” was a poem by Robert Frost titled “Nothing gold can stay.” This paper will present an original poem inspired by “Nothing gold can stay” and discuss the backgrounds of both works.

Inspiration Piece

Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

This poem was written by Robert Frost, and it is titled “Nothing gold can stay.” It was written in 1923 and the place of origin in Frosts’ residence in California. Frost wrote this poem as a way of depicting the balance between good and bad. First, the author mentions the leaves that change color, from green to gold. Next, he moves on to mention Eden that has “sank to grief” (“Nothing gold can stay,” n.d., para. 6). There are multiple ways of interpreting this poem. For instance, the leaves, green, and gold can be viewed as someone’s life, or one can reflect on the way nature is changing.

Original Poem

Autumn comes and covers all in gold,
Summer goes, and this cannot be controlled
Season’s change is unavoidable,
These golden leaves will be enjoyed by all

This poem is titled “Autumn,” and similarly to Frosts’ work, it is a reflection of nature’s way of changing seasons. The background of this work is the author being inspired by Frosts’ work and personal feelings that the author reflects on when during this season. Moreover, this poem was written in autumn, and for the author, this timeframe is usually a mixture of positive and negative emotions.


Perhaps, the most noticeable connection between the two poems is the type of rhyming used. In both cases, the first line rhymes with the second and so on, creating a scheme. However, thematically the two poems are different since Frost’s work can be interpreted as a reflection on one’s life, and the original piece is more focused on nature itself. Moreover, the mediums are different because Frost uses words very precisely, allowing multiple interpretations of his poem. Hence, the viewer’s experience is different because Frost’s work calls for a reflection on the ideas that the author tries to convey. However, the similarity of the poems is the use of nature as a point of reference.


Nothing gold can stay. (n.d.). 2020, Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 20). Inspiration by Robert Frost’s Poetry.

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StudyCorgi. "Inspiration by Robert Frost’s Poetry." March 20, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Inspiration by Robert Frost’s Poetry." March 20, 2022.

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