Internal Factors Impacting Changes

The general education school is the most important social institution, reflecting the state and trends of development of society, and influencing the society itself. The configurations occurring in society under the conditions of its socio-cultural transformation set the direction of the configurations of the school learning process. It is essential to mention that internal processes that accumulate change also play an instrumental role. For instance, the recruitment and training of new teachers and teaching assistants enable the school to meet the demands of kids with special needs and disabilities (Harris & Jones, 2018). Thus, this internal change is a reorganization of the team, which is essential to providing an equal and quality education for all students. At the same time, an internal driver of change in the school is the transition to innovative teaching methods and providing the required technology and equipment to the classrooms. This is critical to maintaining a high school rating and competition with other educational institutions.

Moreover, a significant internal factor influencing internal organizational changes is the modification of leadership and leadership style in the team. This contributes to the current reorganization and restructuring of teamwork processes (Harris & Jones, 2018). Therefore, a change in leadership style requires a readjustment of teachers’ teamwork and additional time for adaptation. Accordingly, a change in leadership and leadership style is an internal factor that contributes to changes not only in school administration but also in the internal routines of the entire organization. Moreover, an essential internal factor contributing to changes in the school is the psychological atmosphere and relations in the team. Other reasons influencing configurations in the organization are the school curriculum, grading practices, choice of teaching methods, and learning tools (Harris & Jones, 2018). Together with the change of leadership and management style in the school, it is necessary to change the basic features of learning. Thus, internal factors also have a significant role in changes in the school.


Harris, A., & Jones, M. (2018). Leading schools as learning organizations. School Leadership & Management, 38(4), 351-354.

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