International Arena for the NFL and the NBA

Event Transportation Associated (ETA) provides transportation services for various clients, and its activities promote a better understanding of the positions of such giants as the National Football League (NFL) and the National Basketball Association (NBA). In their decision to go international, the NFL and the NBA may face certain challenges related to the number of fans globally and major sports needs in the field. At the same time, the benefits of new opportunities, available partners, and revenues cannot be ignored.

The individuals who neglect personal judgments and preferences should understand that the NFL does not have as much of its international audience as the NBA does. Although the NBA is younger than the NFL, the number of national basketball teams prevails over the number of American football players. Many countries, both developed and developing, have the appropriate equipment and places to train basketball players, proving that the NBA can be doing great. The NFL’s standpoint is weakened due to the requirement of large fields and professional training. Besides, the United States and Canada are probably the only countries where people are aware of the peculiarities of American football. Most Asians and Europeans need more time and explanations to understand the basics of this sport. If the NFL wants to move internationally, it should head to the United Kingdom, Australia, and Mexico, where this sport has been practiced. European countries with low-income populations need to be avoided because people are not able to cover the basic needs of American football.

The NBA is obviously benefitting most from the idea of going internationally because of the influential celebrities and the overall image of this kind of sport. The NFL may not be hurt the most by these changes, but most steps will be taken in vain because of societies’ poor backgrounds and differences in schedules. Therefore, comparing the NFL’s and the NBA’s differences and similarities, the latter has a better chance to succeed internationally within a short period.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, August 26). International Arena for the NFL and the NBA.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "International Arena for the NFL and the NBA." August 26, 2023.

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