International Managers: Competencies and Qualities

International leadership is more difficult today compared to a decade ago. Most managers operate beyond national borders with technological advancements, finance, legal institutions, business practices, air travel, and communication. A successful managerial career in any industry today necessitates competent international navigation (Lane and Maznevski). As a result, the worldwide environment influences the attributes required of global leaders. The significant impact made by globalization is an expression of complexity that necessitates new methods of thinking and operating. Since not everything is within human control, a logical, strength-based control strategy of thinking and behaving may be insufficient to adapt to globalization challenges (Lane and Maznevski). With high interconnectedness, a manager cannot forecast the consequences of a particular action. When there are numerous factors to consider, making judgments and responding appropriately as a manager becomes much more difficult.

The more global a position or mission, the more worldwide leadership and management competencies and views are required. Effective global managers must have the following qualities, competencies, knowledge, and skills: global business knowledge, threshold traits, a combination of attitudes and orientations, interpersonal skills, and system skills (Lane and Maznevski). In all, these competencies constitute integrity, dignity, inquisitiveness, cognitive flexibility, endurance, global perspective, pluralism, conscious communication, and multicultural collaboration. Lane and Maznevski summarize the unity of these skills and perspectives as a global mindset concept. International managers, as specified by the higher-level competencies, must learn how to perform as well in other environments as they can in their own and to create global connections by exploiting both differences and similarities. Experiential learning is far more successful in developing the essential global mindset than passive information acquisition since the experience usually gives instant feedback.

Work Cited

Lane, Henry, and Martha Maznevski. International Management Behavior: Global and Sustainable Leadership. 8th ed., Cambridge UP, 2019.

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