Introduction to the Business World

In the Pre-Industrial Society era, Starbucks would have experienced opportunities and difficulties in an equal measure because it was a new concept. People would not have been familiar with their products, and selling their ideas to potential clients would have been difficult. One significant opportunity would be the chance to sell their coffee to a new market. The Pre-Industrial Society era was a time of significant change, and people sought new and innovative products. Starbucks would have had the chance to introduce its coffee to a whole new group of people. Another opportunity would be the chance to create a new industry. The Pre-Industrial Society era was an era of great technological advances, and Starbucks would have had the opportunity to be at the forefront of this new industry.

However, Starbucks would also have faced many difficulties. One difficulty would be the lack of infrastructure. The Pre-Industrial Society era was a time of great change, and many infrastructure projects had not yet been completed. This would have made it difficult for Starbucks to transport their coffee to their customers. Another difficulty would be the lack of knowledge about coffee. The Pre-Industrial Society era was before the coffee industry had taken off, and people would not have known much about coffee.

Another problem Starbucks could have faced during this era could be marketing and advertising. Without the modern infrastructures of marketing and advertising, such as the print media, visual and audiovisual advertising, and digital marketing methods. For example, billboard marketing was invented in the 1830s and gained popularity at the beginning of the 19th century (Outdoor Media in Puerto Rico, 2019, para 1). This would have made it difficult for Starbucks to sell its coffee to the Pre-Industrial Society market because it would be difficult to reach out to huge masses of people.

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Outdoor Media in Puerto Rico (2019). Web.

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