Is the Earth in the Center of the Universe?

It is hard to disagree that space is expanding for humans at an unimaginable rate. New constellations and galaxies are discovered every year, and better photos of other planets become available. This may mean that humanity is on the verge of great discoveries, and the conquest of space is getting closer (Das, 2018). However, can it be argued that Earth is the center of the universe, and the expansion of knowledge about other corners of the cosmos makes our planet more important than others? Obviously, no. It cannot be stated with complete certainty that Earth is the only planet with technological progress because the absence of other life has not yet been scientifically proven.

On the other hand, we should not discard the fact that, to some extent, our planet is a center in the physical and philosophical sense. It is necessary to consider that looking at technology, and development on Earth, at the moment, we are the center of technological development. Of course, it is necessary to consider that other representatives from different planets are also possible. Still, it is impossible to deny that in such a short time, the Earth has developed considerably.


Das, V. M. (2018). Our Understanding Of The Universe (From Ancient To Present Time). Archives of Business Research, 3(1). Web.

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