Jackson’s “McDonald’s or IBM”: Summary and Response


It can be said that school life is the time when one can really see the potential among the students and students should be molded according to their potentials to become successful in their future life. In recent times some schools of America are trying to involve the students to make career choices when they are in the eighth grade! This decision has invoked a number of negative emotions from different corners of society. It is said that in the eighth grade, the student does not have the maturity to choose a career path. The decision taken by a student can change in different circumstances as he grows up. The educational policy also can prove really bad for the minority people, specifically the African-American and Latino school-going kids and it is even said the policy will ultimately bar a number of these types of kids from going to the four-year college. This will be a real shame for the community.


The points discussed by the author are really thought-provoking in many senses. In the very first case, the age where the students are asked to choose their career is really not suitable, and also the decision can really hamper the natural intellectual growth of the students in the final part. The government should make education policies that will be suitable for all kinds of school-going students. This will ultimately be helpful for them in the longer race of life. The author successfully points out the aspect.

Works Cited

Jackson, Damien. “McDonald’s or IBM.” Rethinking Schools, 2002, Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Jackson’s “McDonald’s or IBM”: Summary and Response'. 2 December.

1. StudyCorgi. "Jackson’s “McDonald’s or IBM”: Summary and Response." December 2, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/jacksons-mcdonalds-or-ibm-summary-and-response/.


StudyCorgi. "Jackson’s “McDonald’s or IBM”: Summary and Response." December 2, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/jacksons-mcdonalds-or-ibm-summary-and-response/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Jackson’s “McDonald’s or IBM”: Summary and Response." December 2, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/jacksons-mcdonalds-or-ibm-summary-and-response/.

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