Exploring Jean Watson’s Caring Theory in Today’s Nursing Practices


Ensuring that the relationships among nurses and patients are friendly and confidential is one of the priorities of junior medical personnel involved in the care process. The use of various methods and practices aimed at providing qualified medical assistance allows finding a unique approach to almost any case, and one of these nursing models is Jean Watson’s theory based on human caring. The primary goal of her technique is to search for a personal approach to each patient, taking into account the characteristics of a particular disease. According to Smith and Parker (2015), “a caring-science orientation is necessary for the survival of nursing” (p. 323). The practice of heightened attention to the concerns of specific target groups is key in Jean Watson’s model.

Using the Theory of Human Caring in Practice

Jean Watson is known for devoting her life to researching nursing care as a separate science. Mikkonen, Kyngäs, and Kääriäinen (2015) give Watson’s opinion that the time has come for the development of the science of care. The authors argue that a new field is not limited to nursing aid, and such a branch includes other areas of scientific knowledge, for example, education, ecology, philosophy, ethics, humanities, and other disciplines (Mikkonen et al., 2015). Thus, Watson’s theory is similar to a collective practice where various valuable aspects are collected in order to integrate them into a single mechanism of nursing assistance.

This model may be viewed in different contexts and circumstances. Brousseau, Cara, and Blais (2017) suggest using it in nursing administration, relying on the principles of humanism and respect for the dignity of patients and subordinates. Also, various narrow-profile clinics may apply this theory in practice. As an example, the gynecological department with infertile women can be considered a place where Watson’s model is applicable in terms of the need for personal care for each individual patient.

The Possibility of Using the Theory in the Gynecological Department

The relevance of Jean Watson’s model in gynecological departments for women with infertility is due to the vulnerability of these patients and their anxieties. According to Arslan-Özkan, Okumuş, and Buldukoğlu (2014), “nursing care standards for women affected by infertility have yet to emerge,” and a number of problems (social, familial, and individual) arise (p. 1801). If a patient cannot bear a child, she suffers from the inability to realize herself as a mother, and as a consequence, her psyche suffers. The task of nurses adhering to the terms of the theory under consideration is to provide such care so that women in the department could feel support and hope for a successful outcome. The importance of applying the model is that “infertility is a pervasive, destructive, and significant health problem that affects 10 to 15% of couples of reproductive age” (Ozan, Okumus, Buldukoglu, & Watson, 2013, p. 352). Therefore, nursing interventions based on the use of Watson’s theory conditions are not only efficient but also necessary.


I think this theory is really useful because it contributes to establishing contact among nurses and those who need help and helps to achieve the stability of patients’ morale. The model allows clinic staff to focus on the concerns of people who find themselves in a difficult situation and provide them with a favorable environment for recovery. The use of Watson’s technique may be relevant in various areas, including gynecology in order to protect patients with infertility from psychological imbalance and achieve positive outcomes.


Arslan-Özkan, İ., Okumuş, H., & Buldukoğlu, K. (2014). A randomized controlled trial of the effects of nursing care based on Watson’s Theory of Human Caring on distress, self-efficacy, and adjustment in infertile women. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(8), 1801-1812. Web.

Brousseau, S., Cara, C. M., & Blais, R. (2017). A humanistic caring quality of work life model in nursing administration based on Watson’s philosophy. International Journal for Human Caring, 21(1), 2-8. Web.

Mikkonen, K., Kyngäs, H., & Kääriäinen, M. (2015). Nursing students’ experiences of the empathy of their teachers: A qualitative study. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 20(3), 669-682. Web.

Ozan, Y. T., Okumus, H., Buldukoglu, K., & Watson, J. (2013). A case study based on Watson’s theory of human caring: Being an infertile woman in Turkey. Nursing Science Quaterly, 26(4), 352-359. Web.

Smith, M. C., & Parker, M. E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.

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StudyCorgi. "Exploring Jean Watson’s Caring Theory in Today’s Nursing Practices." July 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/jean-watsons-theory-of-human-caring/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Exploring Jean Watson’s Caring Theory in Today’s Nursing Practices." July 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/jean-watsons-theory-of-human-caring/.

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