Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” Story Review

Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” is a riveting story of exploration and self-discovery. The novel chronicles the narrative of Chris McCandless, a young man who embarks on a quest to discover himself in the Alaskan wilderness. While many may see Chris’s narrative as one of bravery and freedom, it is ultimately a cautionary tale in which one learns crucial lessons about life and survival via his risk-taking and intransigence.

When the novel opens, the reader is introduced to Chris McCandless, a young man who has recently finished university and travels to Alaska, described as “a magnet for dreamers and misfits” (Krakauer 6). Despite his wealthy upbringing, Chris yearns for a more meaningful existence. He chooses to travel to Alaska, where he intends to make a living from agriculture and explore the outdoors (Krakauer). Chris faces many obstacles along the route, including harsh weather, challenging terrain, and confrontations with dangerous creatures (Krakauer). Despite these challenges, Chris is determined to finish his adventure.

Chris’s story is a cautionary tale because it emphasizes the perils of irresponsibility and the significance of planning when living “among the wild” (Krakauer 49). Chris embarks on his quest completely unprepared for the obstacles that await him. He barely packs a small number of supplies with him and fails to consider the complex realities of living in the bush. As a result, he is forced to survive only on his brains and cunning. Chris’s irresponsibility may be shown in his willingness to eat wild plants without first properly recognizing them (Krakauer 69). He falls unwell, and as a result of which, he cannot continue his voyage. This situation highlights the need for preparation and understanding when embarking on any project.

In conclusion, Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” is a cautionary story about the risks of irresponsibility and the value of planning. Chris’s experience reminds readers that life has uncertainties and that they must constantly be prepared for the unanticipated. While his quest may have been one of consciousness, it eventually led to his terrible end. As one progresses in life, one must consider the lessons learned from Chris’s tale and endeavor to be more prepared for the difficulties that lie ahead.

Work Cited

Krakauer, Jon. Into the Wild. Van Haren Publishing, 1997.

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