Lang Lang With the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra


The concert took place in 2018 at the Symphony Hall and was streamed online, and a recording of the show is available on the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra’s YouTube channel. The program included the main works of Mozart’s life, and Chopin played for an encore. The soloist was the talented and famous pianist soloist Lang Lang, who played in collaboration with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra; Mei-Anne Chen was the guest conductor. Lang Lang’s presence helped sell out the 1,700+ seats in the auditorium and some 150 more premium stage seats placed on stands behind the orchestra. The main instruments, brilliantly suited to the performance of great classical works, were the soloist’s strings and piano.

Program Selection

The concert program included the significant hits of Mozart and works of his life. Everyone, without exception, showed excellent results: the famous pianist Lang Lang, the well-coordinated work of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, and the impeccable leadership of the conductor Mei-Ann Chen. The works of Mozart selected for the concert are known all over the world and amaze me with their musical language any listener, including me. The program is harmonious: the performance begins with a small but significant piece Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Then the two main works of the composer’s life were beautifully played. Finally, for an encore to cheer up a possibly weary audience, one gets a solo performance by talented pianist Lang Lang with Chopin’s romantic piece Grande Valse Brillante. I liked the selection of works; each displayed a new genre of classicism: everyday music, serenade, symphony, and waltz. The performance of the orchestra and the pianist fascinated me so much that I did not notice any significant shortcomings.

Performance Feature

The audience had high expectations for the concert, given the entire house sold out. The fact that the concert conductor was a woman also caught my attention, since, as you know, this is rarer than commonplace. Guest conductors can bring new features to the sound of the orchestra and light a fire in it, which Ms. Chen undoubtedly succeeded in; she breathed new energy into the performance of the orchestra. In the first part of the Allegro, the violins were velvety and played with exquisite ease and an outstanding ensemble, while the basses were powerful, energetic, and precise. The languid andante was polished and intimate despite the large number of strings involved. Ms. Chen chose a slightly fast tempo for Allegretto, she seemed to be counting on accurate entries and complex dynamics in the finale, and she managed. The ASO strings delivered a winning performance from a familiar favorite that was lean but smooth and with beautiful dynamics.


The audience’s reaction was wild, and the soloist returned to play Chopin’s encore, his brilliant Grand Valse. The performance of the work was full of energy, with sometimes exaggerated rhythm and dynamics, but it felt soft and light as well. Lang Lang set himself the goal of impressing the audience to the last note, and I think he achieved his goal. The marvelous collaboration between the orchestra, pianist, and conductor undoubtedly left an impression on the listeners, who will long remember such an exciting musical event. It is one of my favorite concerts that I first encountered in 2020, and, having returned to it more than once, I recommend others to have the same inspiring listening experience.

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