Laryngotracheitis Signs, Treatment, Consequences


Laryngotracheitis, otherwise known as croup, is a severe respiratory disease. The disease affects the larynx and trachea, resulting from a viral or bacterial infection (Ferri, 2021). The first symptom of laryngotracheitis is a violation of the voice function. Therapeutic measures for laryngotracheitis are reduced to antiviral or antibacterial therapy, the use of antitussive, mucolytic, antihistamine, antipyretic drugs, and physiotherapy procedures (Ferri, 2021). Accurate croup is inflammation of the larynx in diphtheria when the lumen of the larynx is clogged with dense fibrous films, and the patient suffocates, other cases of croup are called false (Ferri, 2021). Therefore, the paper aims to analyze the aspects of laryngotracheitis and evaluate the health risk it represents to the population.

Signs and Symptoms

Laryngotracheitis may be present in an acute form and may become chronic. The general picture of croup is manifested similarly to other respiratory infections. Acute laryngotracheitis is characterized by a dry cough, during coughing, there is pain behind the sternum typical of tracheitis (Ferri, 2021). Cough is noted more often in the morning, and at night, it can manifest itself as an attack (Ferri, 2021). Along with coughing, hoarseness, or hoarseness of voice, discomfort in the larynx is noted (Ferri, 2021). In the context of chronic disease, patients experience problems with speaking, coughing, and pain.

Treatment Options

Diagnosis and selection of treatment for croup are performed on an outpatient basis; in difficult cases, hospitalization may be required. Those who deal with acute laryngotracheitis should keep the throat warm, including consuming hot water or tea. The main therapy is the appointment of antiviral drugs (Ferri, 2021). With bacterial laryngotracheitis, systemic antibiotic treatment is indicated (Ferri, 2021). Symptomatic therapy of laryngotracheitis consists of using antitussive, antihistamine, and antipyretic drugs (Ferri, 2021). In the case of the chronic stage of the disease, physiotherapy is an integral part of the treatment. Since croup is contagious for several days after the first patient is infected, it is better to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Croup prevention includes basic hygiene rules, including regular hand washing. There is no specific vaccine against croup, but flu and diphtheria vaccines can prevent infection.


If the infection spreads, tracheobronchitis or pneumonia may develop symptoms. The development of complications is characterized by a rise in body temperature and increased signs of intoxication (Ferri, 2021). Severe obstruction accompanying croup can cause asphyxia, which is fatal (Ferri, 2021). The constant irritation of the mucosa in chronic laryngotracheitis can provoke the appearance of a benign tumor (Ferri, 2021). One of the most common complications is a prolonged severe cough.

Patient Population and Precursors

Croup is a common disease, but most often, it affects children. The condition occurs between 6 months and 5 years and occasionally occurs in children under the age of fifteen (Ferri, 2021). Precursor Laryngotracheitis can be any infectious and inflammatory disease of a fibrous nature. Laryngotracheitis has an infectious nature, most often, there is viral laryngotracheitis (Ferri, 2021). They are observed with adenovirus infection, SARS, chicken pox, and scarlet fever (Ferri, 2021). Laryngotracheitis can be caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus, and pneumococcus (Ferri, 2021). The disease spreads by the airborne way and easily transfers from one person to another when those who are infected cough in the presence of a healthy individual. Even if an individual gets infected, there is a possibility that illness may not appear at all. The early harbinger is a strong cough that causes severe discomfort to the patient.


Overall, laryngotracheitis is a common disease that may occur in most people but does not cause serious outcomes to the population. The illness can be acute or chronic, characterized by a dry cough and supplementing pain in the chest area. Treatment may vary depending on the disease severity, from antibiotics and antiviral pills to physiotherapy. Neglecting the early stages of laryngotracheitis may result in high body temperature and physical complications. The greatest danger of croup is for children since their immunity is still not strong enough. Early diagnosis and properly selected therapy can prevent the disease’s acute form and stop it from becoming chronic.


Ferri, F.F. (Ed.) (2021). Ferri’s Clinical Advisor 2022. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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