LASIK Procedure: Benefits and Potential Risks

Nowadays, people with bad vision can finally eliminate the glasses or contact lenses and clearly see this world in bright colors. This can be achieved with the help of LASIK eye surgery. It is a procedure during which a laser reshapes the eye’s cornea and corrects some vision conditions, such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism (Kates & Tuli, 2020). This paper aims to examine how astigmatism affects the vision, how LASIK can correct this problem, and analyze the general advantages and disadvantages of such type of eye surgery.

First, it is essential to understand what astigmatism is before discussing its treatment. Astigmatism is an imperfection of the eye’s surface, causing bad near and distance vision (Boyd, 2018). The condition is widespread, but it can be easily prevented by LASIK surgery. It works by giving back to the eye’s cornea its normal symmetrical shape without anesthesia or stitches, just using special drops for numbing the eye. Thus, the LASIK procedure is a quick and easy way to forget about astigmatism.

As it appears, LASIK eye surgery has its obvious advantages. It is a very quick, painless procedure, and patients usually regain clear vision within several hours after the surgery. Nevertheless, there are also certain risks connected with LASIK (Joy, 2017). Despite its relative safety, LASIK can sometimes injure the flaps, as they are not protected during the surgery. In addition, LASIK can sometimes cause chronic eye dryness, as well as halos or nighttime glare. However, these side effects are very rare and most likely will never bother the patient.

To sum up, the LASIK procedure has its advantages and potential risks, just like any other surgical treatment. Overall, it is safe surgery, especially since the side effects are reduced to a minimum with the use of advanced technology. In my opinion, the benefits outweigh some possible risks, so I would choose to go through the LASIK surgery myself without concern. Waking up without having to put on contact lenses or not worrying about losing or breaking glasses is definitely worth it.


Boyd, K. (2018). What Is Astigmatism? American Academy of Ophthalmology. Web.

Joy, K. (2017). Pros and Cons of LASIK: Are the Risks Worth the Cost? Michigan Health. Web.

Kates, M. M., & Tuli, S. (2020). What Is LASIK Eye Surgery?. JAMA, 324(8), 815-815.

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