“Lazy Lawrence: Teaching Children Perseverance, Compassion, and Hard Work”

The goal of Lazy Lawrence is to offer insightful teachings for children’s future success. The narrative teaches children that spending time on things that will help them reach their ambitions is essential. It teaches children the value of inner drive and the necessity of perseverance in the face of adversity.

Children are encouraged to develop their sense of right and wrong through the story; Jem’s frequent visits to Lawrence, the slacker who squandered his fortune, indicate this. Visiting him with gifts he could afford demonstrated that Lawrence was still a friend and cared about him despite having stolen his funds. This teaches children to forgive even when their pals have done them wrong. The story Lazy Lawrence is meant to teach children the importance of obedience, showing compassion, and hard work.

Jem, the protagonist, is a young child working hard to care for his elderly mother. Preston’s affirmation in the tale demonstrates this, “God bless the boy! how he talks!–Four miles there, and four miles back again, afore breakfast”(Edgeworth, 1844, p. 1). Children can learn the importance of obeying their parents by reading about how Preston blessed Jem for his obedience.

The story encourages diligence and perseverance among its young readers. Jem, still young, gets a job working for his mistress and puts away all his pay. The story makes this point clear in the statement concerning the protagonist, “This little boy works very hard”(Edgeworth, 1844, p. 6). Young readers of Lazy Lawrence can learn to appreciate the value of hard work and perseverance by modeling Jem’s story and success.

The primary objective of Lazy Lawrence is to impart significant life lessons to children that can be applied in their future endeavors. The narrative effectively conveys to young individuals the significance of participating in meaningful pursuits that can aid them in achieving their desired outcomes and aspirations. The narrative of Lazy Lawrence has been crafted to impart essential values such as compliance, empathy, and diligence to children. The narrative portrays Jem as an industrious child responsible for caring for his elderly mother. As young individuals engage with the story of Lazy Lawrence, they can cultivate a penchant for hard work and persistence, enabling them to attain comparable levels of achievement as Jem.


Edgeworth, M. (1844). The Parent’s Assistant; or, Stories for Children. Harper & Brothers.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, December 26). “Lazy Lawrence: Teaching Children Perseverance, Compassion, and Hard Work”. https://studycorgi.com/lazy-lawrence-teaching-children-perseverance-compassion-and-hard-work/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Lazy Lawrence: Teaching Children Perseverance, Compassion, and Hard Work." December 26, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/lazy-lawrence-teaching-children-perseverance-compassion-and-hard-work/.


StudyCorgi. "Lazy Lawrence: Teaching Children Perseverance, Compassion, and Hard Work." December 26, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/lazy-lawrence-teaching-children-perseverance-compassion-and-hard-work/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Lazy Lawrence: Teaching Children Perseverance, Compassion, and Hard Work." December 26, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/lazy-lawrence-teaching-children-perseverance-compassion-and-hard-work/.

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