Legislative System in the United States

The overall US legislative structure presupposes the existence of various types of courts and institutions that tend to deal with different kinds of law cases and legal disputes. Hence, when considering the legal responsibilities of the courts within one state, the difference in terms of both financial aspects and the types of cases concerned is quite evident. Bering in mind the example of the State Court of Nebraska, it may be outlined that the following institution is primarily concerned with resolving the issues of appeal, capital offenses, and severe juvenile crimes (Nebraska Judicial Branch, 2020). The district courts within the state, on the other hand, tend to deal with administrative and civil felonies and domestic relations cases provided that the latter cannot be handled on the level of county courts.

As far as the filing fee is concerned, it becomes evident that the State Court of Nebraska presupposes much higher pay for filing a case or appeal, as the scope of the case is inevitably more serious when compared to the issues handled in the district court (US Districts Court, 2020). Finally, when it comes to the process of filing an appeal, the procedure is more complicated in the State Court due to the fact that initial appeals are usually handled on the district level, with some cases requiring additional supervision on the supreme level.

When speaking of the legal case presented in the question, it should be initially decided which kind of felony is regarded within the case. Considering the absence of justification that the defendant is accused of a direct felony, the case cannot be considered in the State Court of Nebraska. Hence, considered as a civil case, the value of which does not exceed $57,000 (unless it is not stated in further case details), the issue will be handled in the district court.


Nebraska Judicial Branch. (2020). Home. Web.

US District Court. (2020). Fees. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Legislative System in the United States." May 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/legislative-system-in-the-united-states/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Legislative System in the United States." May 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/legislative-system-in-the-united-states/.

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