Flexible Work Schedules in Nursing: Benefits and Implementation



The primary research question for this project is the importance of flexible work schedules in the workplace and especially in the nursing profession. The working thesis is that flexible work schedules improve employees’ performance, and thus employers should adopt the concept for successful and profitable organizations.


Flexible work schedules are an emerging human resources managing strategy where employees enjoy alternative work arrangements by controlling their time together with how, when, and where to execute their duties. The issue of flexible work schedules has gained importance in contemporary workplaces and specifically the nursing profession due to the shortage of qualified workers in the industry. According to a report released by Zhang, Tai, Pforsich, and Lin (2018), in the United States, there has been a shortage of registered nurses over the years, and by 2020, the number will stand at 154,018 and rise to 510,394 by 2030. Therefore, the topic of flexible work schedules is important because it is one of the strategies that employers can use to retain employees and avoid the severe workforce shortage that is affecting the industry. Additionally, flexible work schedules improve employees’ satisfaction, thus leading to better results, including customer satisfaction. In the nursing sector, nurses can be allowed to enjoy flexible work schedules, which in turn would ensure patient satisfaction and improved care outcomes.


The target audience is policymakers and all people in leadership positions where staffing and human resources management decisions are made and especially in the nursing profession. The audience shares my opinions and values on this topic. As mentioned earlier, one of the major challenges facing management teams in the nursing sector is the shortage of employees, and thus retaining workers has become a priority. Therefore, it suffices to conclude that the target audience will be interested to know about what has to be said concerning this important human resources issue that can offer a lasting solution to their management problems.

Structure of Argument

Defining the Problems

Currently, peer-reviewed articles have been used to gather preliminary information concerning this topic. According to Leineweber et al. (2016), flexible work schedules have proved to be effective tools in the retention of employees in a changing work environment. For a long time, employees have been struggling to balance between life and work without meaningful success. However, the technological revolution of the 21st century is allowing workers to function remotely and choose when, how, and from where to execute their duties. Abid and Barech (2017) posit that flexible working hours improve employees’ performance and job satisfaction.

More research on the topic will be conducted to establish different opinions concerning the subject. In order to understand the issue of flexible work schedules comprehensively, both supporting and dissenting research works need to be used for analysis. Evidence-based research articles will play an important role in supporting the stated thesis.

Defining Solutions

From the research that has been conducted so far, it is clear that flexible work schedules can be used to improve employees’ satisfaction and thus ensure low turnover rates in the workplace. More research will be conducted using evidence-based scholarly articles to collaborate the thesis that flexible work schedules improve employees’ performance, and thus employers should adopt the concept for successful and profitable organizations.


This project seeks to establish the advantages of flexible work schedules and how employers can use the same to their advantage. I want the readers to embrace change and implement this concept where applicable and enjoy its benefits.

The only concern I have about this project is the lack of enough time for carrying out sufficient research. Currently, school workload is increasing, and thus time is becoming a limited resource.


Abid, S., & Barech, D. K. (2017). The impact of flexible working hours on the employees’ performance. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 5(7), 450-467.

Leineweber, C., Chungkham, H. S., Lindqvist, R., Westerlund, H., Runesdotter, S., Smeds Alenius, L., & Tishelman, C. (2016). Nurses’ practice environment and satisfaction with schedule flexibility are related to intention to leave due to dissatisfaction: A multi-country, multilevel study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 58, 47-58. Web.

Zhang, X., Tai, D., Pforsich, H., & Lin, V.W. (2018). United States registered nurse workforce report card and shortage forecast: A revisit. American Journal of Medical Quality, 33(3), 229-236.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 10). Flexible Work Schedules in Nursing: Benefits and Implementation. https://studycorgi.com/life-work-flexible-work-schedules-in-the-nursing/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Flexible Work Schedules in Nursing: Benefits and Implementation'. 10 July.

1. StudyCorgi. "Flexible Work Schedules in Nursing: Benefits and Implementation." July 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/life-work-flexible-work-schedules-in-the-nursing/.


StudyCorgi. "Flexible Work Schedules in Nursing: Benefits and Implementation." July 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/life-work-flexible-work-schedules-in-the-nursing/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Flexible Work Schedules in Nursing: Benefits and Implementation." July 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/life-work-flexible-work-schedules-in-the-nursing/.

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