Literature Studies: Mary Shelley’s Novel Frankenstein

Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein has inspired many film-makers who create movies about scientists trying to carry out dangerous experiments. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that the author tries to conceal the procedures implemented by the main character in order to revive the lifeless matter. One should pay close attention to the way in which the writer explores this theme.

In particular, the author emphasizes the emotional state of Victor Frankenstein, instead of focusing on the visual details. To some degree, this description runs contrary to the expectations of the readers who may be slightly disappointed with the lack of vivid images.

Nevertheless, this approach gives the readers deep insights into the experiences of the protagonist who makes a remarkable achievement that later proves disastrous. These are the main peculiarities of her approach.

First, one should mention that the author chooses to focus on the emotional experiences of the main character. For instance, the writer speaks about his sense of anticipation and the complexity of the tasks that he performs. This character speaks about the “hurricane” of feelings that affected him (Shelley 89). Admittedly, the narrator gives the readers some clues indicating that he could be dissecting animal and human corpses.

Nevertheless, Mary Shelley does not mention the way in which Victor Frankenstein revives the inanimate body. The narrator mentions that he used some “instruments of life” while working on the problem (Shelley 90). Nevertheless, the author does not provide any specific details that readers may take interest it. This is one of the issues that may surprise or even disappoint the audience. These are some of the main issues that can be distinguished.

The most unexpected detail is that the writer does not show how exactly Victor Frankenstein made his remarkable achievement. This approach differs dramatically from the strategies employed by film-directors who try to envisage the laboratory of the main character. It should be noted that there are many screen adaptations of Mary Shelley’s novel. For instance, one can speak about the movie Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein released in 1994.

This film follows the plot of the novel. Yet, such a character as Frankenstein has been incorporated in many films that are not closely related to the original narrative. For instance, one can speak about the movie Frankenstein Unbound. In both cases, the experiment of the protagonist plays an important role. Overall, Mary Shelley wants to emphasize the idea that life creation is a mystery.

Moreover, the narrator does not want to reveal his secrets to others. Probably, he may believe that this knowledge is too dangerous. In contrast, film-makers want to lay stress on the visual details that can impress the viewers. This is one of the main differences that should be considered.

Overall, these distinctions can be partly explained by the fact that various art forms do not represent life in the same way. This is an issue that readers should not disregard.

On the whole, these examples indicate that Mary Shelley does not want to delve into the details of the experiments carried out by Victor Frankenstein. The author pays more attention to the emotional state of the character. This approach may not be acceptable to film-makers.

The problem is that readers, who have not read the novel before, know about such a character as Frankenstein. This is why the novel can disappoint some of their expectations. Nevertheless, the author enables the readers to sense the emotions of the protagonist. These are the primary arguments that can be presented.

Works Cited

Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein, New York: Broadview Press, 1999. Print.

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