Little Red Riding Hood by Dahl and Perrault

Comparison of the Different Versions of LRRH

Little Red Cap is a folk text initially written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Today, it is also widely known as Little Red Riding Hood (LRRH). This fairy tale reveals a story about a young girl who goes through the woods to visit her sick grandmother. LRRH, which is the name of the girl, meets a wolf who wants to eat her and the things she has in the basket. This story appeals to people all over the world so it is not a surprise that it has been rewritten by different authors.

Among the most popular versions of LRRH are those made by Roald Dahl and Charles Perrault. Of course, each of them changed this fairy tale to some degree, altering details and adding information that was not mentioned in the original. Even though each version of LRRH deserves discussion, the one written by the Brothers Grimm should be considered at the very beginning because it served as a source for others.

Grimms’ story discusses numerous themes that always remain on the front burner. For instance, they focus on age and maturation. LRRH appears as a naïve kid but turns into a wise girl who “returned home happily and safely” (Grimm and Grimm). The Brothers Grimm also points out that it is vital to obey parents. LRRH’s mother told her: “behave yourself on the way and do not leave the path” (Grimm and Grimm). As the girl ran to pick some flowers, the wolf managed to reach the grandmother’s house before she came.

As a result, she was in danger. The authors also emphasize the fact that strangers are not trustworthy because they portray the wolf as a character who tries to deceive LRRH. Finally, the Brothers Grimm state that people should protect themselves and be more attentive. The first time LRRH came to her grandmother, the woman was eaten by the wolf but saved by a huntsman who was passing by. Later, she managed to deal with the wolf herself (Grimm and Grimm).

LRRH perfectly meets the Tale Type classification 333. It is a tale of magic with supernatural adversaries because those events that happen in the fairy tale fall within the required characteristic. The main attention is paid to the wolf. He appears to be a monster that wants to hurt human beings. In particular, the wolf eats the grandmother. Nevertheless, she is successfully rescued, which is also an unreal situation because the woman appears to be alive.

First of all, the wolf must have ripped her into pieces in order to eat. Secondly, she managed to stay alive regardless of this fact. In this way, the wolf turns into a supernatural beast who swallowed a person without hurting her. This conclusion can be supported by the fact that he disguises as the grandmother to deceive LRRH. In other words, this monster has the power of transformation. The whole story is based on his unique characteristics.

The style of Grimms’ writing is both quaint and simple. They present the story with the help of an omniscient narrator. He knows everything people think, say, feel, and do. The authors include the representatives of several generations, revealing how they differ from one another. Some information is also revealed through dialogues, which allows us to understand the characters better. Their adversary is very cunning, but his motives are easy to realize due to the peculiarities of storytelling.

The authors tend to use vocabulary and sentences that are easy to understand so that they seem to be appropriate for children. Nevertheless, their story includes some horror and cruel actions, which are expected to deliver a particular message to the readers. Finally, they include morality that reveals the purpose of the fairy tale.

Work Cited

Grimm, Jacob, and Wilhelm Grimm. “Little Red Riding Hood.University of Pittsburgh. Web.

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