Love in “Romeo and Juliet” Play by William Shakespeare

“Romeo and Juliet” was written by William Shakespeare about two young people deeply in love. It is set in Italy during the 16th century, and it has been one of the most debated narratives. Love is an archetype that is evident across the piece. The story relates to my chosen archetype since it largely entails love matters. Furthermore, many people quote the piece when debating about affection. Scholars have also termed Romeo and Juliet as archetypal young lovers since they reveal that fondness can impact an individual’s actions. Consequently, one can focus on various factors that reveal that love is an archetype in the story “Romeo and Juliet.”

Love is depicted in the story since Romeo and Juliet continue expressing their feelings towards each other even after their marriage. Moreover, they agree to get married after one night of knowing each other (Shakespeare 39). They only engage in plain talks about their relationship since they have already fallen in love with each other. Nonetheless, their families conflict due to their relationship and do not allow them to marry. Juliet, however, does not like the person she is being told to marry. She goes ahead to fake her death so that Romeo could come and see and escape together (Shakespeare 43). All this was a plan she has created since she does not want to be separated from her lover and marry someone else. When Romeo sees his lover lying in the tomb, he drinks poison so that he could die too. All this was due to the love he has for Juliet. After Juliet discovers this, she kills herself so that she could die too due to love.

Therefore, love is an archetype that readers can learn from the story. The audience can learn that different scenes in the story largely involve affection. The story informs the audience about love and its various challenges. Moreover, conflicts that have been steered by love have been experienced in many communities. Thus, the narrative is one of the most recognized stories that has focused on love matters. The story is also fascinating, making it one of the most read pieces by Shakespeare.


Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. Vol. 1. Classic Books Company, 2000.

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