Lung Cancer and Colorectal Cancer

Lung Cancer

I agree that the rate of lung cancer is indeed lower in China when compared to Canada. Despite the pollution effects witnessed in China more than in Canada, it does not reflect a similar rate of incidences and mortalities from the disease. Lung cancer accounts for 25% of deaths from all cancer mortalities in Canada (“Cancer today”, 2020). From Canadian Medical Association research, it is clear that Canada has increased incidence and death cases from lung cancer due to rising and aging society (Woo, 2022). China has taken a comprehensive approach to changing the lifestyles and age structure that has seen a decrease in the high number of cases and mortalities of the diseases. That has been a challenge to Canadians as most of them are battling obesity, which contributes to this issue as a high cholesterol intake leads to tumors forming diseases hence, making the issue to be rampant.

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is on the top list of cancerous diseases that kill people. It is true that the rates of infections have indeed increased over the years; by 2020, new cases of colorectal cancer in Brazil have reached 27,756 in total (“Cancer today”, 2020). The reason why I agree is that for Canada, it is slightly above the 12,000 mark, meaning that the risk of getting diagnosed with cancer is high (“Cancer today”, 2020). Additionally, being overweight is a factor that leads to high chances of getting cancer, meaning Canada is at the receiving end unless people control their diet and start exercising. To add to your informative piece, colorectal cancer may be brought by inflammatory bowel disease and genetic indications that may have been hereditary from the family (Sun et al., 2020). Canada and brazil must collaborate by utilizing private and public agencies to help eradicate the factors that give a chance for the disease.


Cancer today. (2020). Web.

Sun, D., Li, H., Cao, M., He, S., Lei, L., Peng, J., & Chen, W. (2020). Cancer burden in China: Trends, risk factors and prevention. Cancer Biology and Medicine, 17(4), 879-895. Web.

Woo, A. (2022). Cancer cases in Canada expected to climb as population increases, ages, study says. The Globe and Mail. Web.

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