Nurse Leaders vs. Managers: Magnet Designation Strategies


Nurse Leaders (NLs) should use their competencies to address the unique challenges affecting the healthcare sector. Most of the issues affecting the industry can be handled by nursing leaders who are willing to deliver quality services to more patients. Reinhard and Hassmiller (2014) believe strongly that different leadership approaches will be needed depending on the targeted situation. This discussion examines how nursing managers and leaders can approach the issue of magnet designation. The unique roles of managers and those of leaders will be described in the paper.

Magnet Designation: Nursing Managers and Leaders

Yang, Yu, and Wang (2013) indicate that “magnet status is a recognition awarded by the American Nurses’ Credentialing Center (ANCC) to hospitals that meet the criteria used to measure the quality and strength of nursing practice” (p. 1319). Hospitals that have received such awards are known to deliver patient-centered, timely, and quality care. The workers in such institutions also benefit from increased job satisfaction, reduced turnover, and work-life balance. Teamwork, effective communication, and collaboration are powerful aspects associated with magnet status institutions.

Nurse leaders (NLs) and nurse managers (NMs) will definitely approach the issue of magnet designation differently. To begin with, NMs tend to hold senior positions in hospitals. They make decisions, perform managerial duties, and control various processes in the organization. The NM will, therefore, treat the issue of magnet designation seriously (Bortoluzzi, Caporale, & Palese, 2014). The manager can go further to make appropriate decisions regarding the best approaches to attain the designation. The manager will also identify and acquire the right resources to support the intended change or process.

On the other hand, the NL will be at the helm of the identified process. The strength of the NL will be observed when he or she is trying to influence others. The leader will mentor, guide, and support the change process. The individual will use adequate communication and interpersonal competencies in order to ensure the workers in the institution focus on the targeted goals (Yang et al., 2013). The followers will embrace the best practices and health delivery models that have the potential to meet the needs of the targeted patients.

The leader will ensure the hospital embraces the journey in order to receive the magnet status award or retain it. As mentors, the NLs are known to share their concepts, empower others, and identify new insights that can promote performance (Bortoluzzi et al., 2014). They help to strengthen the nature of the nursing practice. The strategy eventually influences the quality of care available to targeted patients.

It is therefore agreeable that managers govern and make decisions that will dictate the future of their hospitals. They should be competent decision-makers and problem-solvers. They should identify and present adequate resources that can result in quality care delivery. They can use transformational or authoritative leadership models to support the mission or vision. Leaders in healthcare will go a step further to influence results and effectiveness. They should be mentors and critical thinkers (McCleskey, 2014). They will lead by example and promote the concept of teamwork. The established teams will work hard to address the identified challenges and focus on the best outcomes.

More often than not, leaders in healthcare can use transactional, path-goal, or charismatic theories to ensure their institutions focus on the magnet designation award. The use of such theories will ensure the emerging challenges in the working environment are addressed in a proper manner. The leaders will be part of the change process. They will liaise with their followers, address their problems, and implement new models that can maximize the outcomes of the targeted patients (Reinhard & Hassmiller, 2014). This fact explains why HLs should possess various skills such as critical thinking, time management, and problem-solving.

This discussion, therefore, shows clearly that NLs and NMs will have different roles whenever focusing on the same goal. The leader is at the heart of the transformation while the NM is the individual who creates the best environment for the change. The NM will not have to guide or empower the workers. The manager will use dictatorial approaches to set goals without considering the competencies or experiences of the workers (Bortoluzzi et al., 2014). The NM will not be required to form new teams to ensure the hospital receives the magnet status award.

The NL will complete these gaps in order to ensure positive results are recorded in the institution. The leader will consider the competencies of the followers and identify the best improvements that can transform the level of performance. As a mentor, the NL will offer useful insights and guidelines to support the journey. The leader will form teams, identify short-term and long-term objectives, and address problems throughout the process (McCleskey, 2014). However, the undeniable fact is that these two professionals will have to collaborate and think critically in order to deliver the targeted results.

Approach that Best Fits My Professional Philosophy

The above discussion shows clearly that managers and leaders have a role to play in the healthcare setting. Such roles should be executed in a professional manner in order to deliver positive results. From a personal perspective, I strongly believe that the situational leadership approach is what best fits my professional philosophy. The first outstanding fact is that leadership is something that can “be exhibited by nurses in any stage of their professional careers” (McCleskey, 2014, p. 121). This means that the NL does not have to manage others or resources in an attempt to achieve the intended results.

Leaders are only required to transform the experiences of their followers and clients. A nurse who embraces the proper leadership competencies will identify the challenges affecting the targeted patients, promote the best practices, and design superior health delivery models. The situational approach focuses on the issues and factors experienced in the working environment. The leader will then develop the best strategy to guide, mentor, and support the targeted followers in order to deliver positive results (Reinhard & Hassmiller, 2014). The magnet designation status can be realized much faster when more nurses embrace the best leadership approaches.

The other important thing to acknowledge is that the situational theory is best suited to my personal leadership style. Different situations and challenges call for adequate solutions. This kind of approach will always make it easier for me to implement the best ideas and strategies that can overturn the situation. I will use the approach to identify and address challenges in a timely manner (McCleskey, 2014). The theory will always encourage me to acquire new concepts through lifelong learning. The approach will support my personal and professional career path. The leadership style will also be used to address most of the challenges affecting my life. This personal leadership style will guide my followers and ensure the institution receives the magnet designation award.


Bortoluzzi, G., Caporale, L., & Palese, A. (2014). Does participative leadership reduce the onset of mobbing risk among nurse working teams? Journal of Nursing Management, 22(5), 643-652.

McCleskey, J. (2014). Situational, transformational, and transactional leadership and leadership development. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 5(4), 117-130.

Reinhard, S., & Hassmiller, S. (2014). The future of nursing: Transforming health care. The AARP International Journal, 1(2), 1-12.

Yang, H., Yu, C., & Wang, M. (2013). Strategic management in the establishment of a magnet hospital: A nursing staff perspective. Health, 5(8), 1318-1327.

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