Male vs. Female Investigators in the United States


The job of an investigator requires specific skills connected with communication, logic, and critical and analytical abilities. It does not exclude the presence of creativity in the methods and approaches to the job that help to unite all the necessary qualifications to perform productively. However, the attitude towards the work process and the outcomes can differ depending on whether the investigator is a man or a woman. Several studies have identified distinctions in the abilities and methods of female and male employees. Therefore, the paper aims to evaluate the differences and similarities in job performance and analyze its impact on outcomes.

Female Investigators

The first thing to mention is that women remain underrepresented in the law professions, and the number of female employees is significantly lower than males. Nevertheless, it does not signify the women’s incompetence in the job; it is more about the consequences of historical premises. When it comes to the attitude towards work, women prefer to use less aggressive methods than men and apply them only if strictly necessary (Stepler, 2017). Female investigators stick to the predominance of the diplomacy approach and tend to avoid abrupt decisions.

Male Investigators

Male investigators, in turn, might demonstrate overconfidence and a lack of self-discipline and conscientiousness and act more impulsive and harshly. At the same time, they have a lower level of neuroticism during task performance than women, which means better control of emotions and higher concentration (Balart & Oosterveen, 2019). Consequently, the way of communication differs as well between the male and female investigators. Men are more likely to discuss the issue more laconically and straight to the topic, while women might pay more attention to the details.


In conclusion, the distinctions between male and female employees are the most noticeable in the methods and approaches to the job. The first ones prefer to act more straightforwardly and include toughness and aggressiveness more often than women, while they consider such tactics appropriate only in critical situations. The communication style also varies in the form that male employees tend to lead the discussion and quickly get the results shortly. In turn, females devote more time to planning and communication overall.


Balart, P., & Oosterveen, M. (2019). Females show more sustained performance during test-taking than males. Nature communications, 10(1), 1-11.

Stepler, R. (2017). Female police officers’ on-the-job experiences diverge from those of male officers. Pew Research Center. Web.

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