Management Accounting Principles and Techniques


Accounting standards are basic rules that must be followed while planning budgetary report that will be circulated to individuals, shareholders, and investors. Accounting standards incorporate essential rules and expectations, for example, the cost guideline, coordinating rule, full disclosure rule, income acknowledgment rule, administrative principles, and consistency. Cost accounting is a bookkeeping procedure that measures and breaks down the expenses related to items, services, and ventures so that right sums are reported in monetary statements (Karadag 2015). Cost accounting helps in basic leadership forms by enabling an organisation to assess its expenses (Patten & Patten 2014).

Cost Accounting Principles and Techniques

Costing is a system and process that supports cost allocation, cost variables, cost determination, and cost control. Keeping in mind the goal to satisfy the requirements of the management, it supplies fundamental data to cost analysts. In summary, cost accounting provides data to support the decision-making process. Thus, cost accounting principles enable the management to distinguish all cost, categorise cost variables, determine what influences cost, and eliminate avoidable cost. Based on this analysis, cost accounting techniques provide insights into expenditures of an organisation. Cost accounting techniques vary by organisation, however, chief executives make recommendations using suitable and effective cost accounting techniques. The cost accounting techniques include marginal cost, differential cost, opportunity cost, replacement cost, relevant cost, imputed cost, sunk cost, uniform cost, and managed cost (Pietrzak 2014).

Marginal costs are total variable expenses, which include prime cost and overhead cost. Marginal cost is the change in the cost at any given volume of yield by which the total cost changes if the volume of yield is expanded by one unit. The costing technique depends on grouping of expenses into fixed and variable expenses. Managers use the variable expenses to ascertain the cost of items of temporal and finished products (Bedford & Malmi 2015). Standard cost is a method that looks at the cost of every item or service with a real cost to decide the proficiency of the operation, so that any corrective move might be made instantly. Historical costing is the determination and recording of real costs when, or after they have been acquired.

Opportunity cost is the estimate of choices expected by receiving a specific method or using assets in a specific pattern. Opportunity cost is the return expected from an investment. These allude to costs, which result from the use of material, or different offices in a specific way, which differs from the initial cost. Assets like materials, equipment, and apparatus, when used in one particular way, yield a specific return. The opportunity cost will be the loss of interest on the item, product, or service. Replacement cost is the cost of an investment in the present market with the goal of substitution. Managers use this costing technique to determine the appropriate time for replacement. This is the cost in the present market of supplanting an asset. For example, when the substitution cost of material is approved, the management considers the cost of buying the proposed item or material.

Uniform costing applies to the costing standards and techniques that are embraced by various projects that plan a uniform framework. The strategies for uniform costing can be adopted by similar organisations. Engineered cost identifies with a product where the input has an unequivocal physical association with the yield. For example, in producing an item, there is a positive connection between the unit of material and work time. By implication, managers evaluate the cost of production and its profit.

Budgetary Control and Functional Budget

A budget is an evaluated plan of action for a financial period that can be set to start from the top or from the base. A budget helps an organisation to accomplish targets, empower administrators for investment decisions, convey thoughts of the representative, organise activities that work towards the shared objective, and create a framework for effective monitoring and accounting. A budget plan is an instrument that distinguishes expected wage and costs over a specific period. Budgets are utilised by the administration to control spending and deal with business development.

The cost and expense design made for a specific procedure or department is called a functional budget. Business investments are distinguished by isolating them into divisions (Arnold & Artz 2015). Notwithstanding, capacities can cover divisions and create functional spending plans that can incorporate more than one office, for example, a production budget that includes raw materials, labour cost, and equipment. Recognising and understanding the proposed task is the initial step to sketch a functional budget. Understanding and exploiting the interrelationships that may happen in the organisation can make a functional budget work effectively (Bhandari & Iyer 2013).

Planning and finding all the required information before composing and actualizing the monetary allowance can forestall overspending. Missing one component of the budget can affect the project timeline and cost overruns. In summary, an accountant must verify every component of the functional budget to avoid cost overruns. Consequently, an accountant should understand the components of a functional budget. It is vital for effective auditing and budget control (Bedford 2015). A functional budget displays the immediate and indirect costs required to finish the task. Immediate or direct expenses are easy to recognise; they incorporate employee wage rates, the cost of provision, equipment cost, the cost for promoting information or reviews. However, indirect costs are distinguished as overhead or regulatory expenses and incorporate the instalment of duties, utilities, or security. For example, a project that expects representatives to work extra time would incorporate the indirect cost of paying utilities for non-business hours in the budget plan.

Budgetary Systems

Functional budgets that report item deals, advancements or other salary exercises will display income and costs. Each kind of income creating action ought to be recorded in the budget for a reasonable picture of how the payment is accomplished. For example, creating a functional budget for displaying new items could incorporate wages created by offering a product test pack to customers. Consequently, a functional budget may incorporate a different detail of expected income produced from test deals on the web, through merchants and from physical retail locations.


Costing is the system and process that supports cost allocation, cost variables, cost determination, and cost control. Keeping in mind the goal to satisfy the management, it supplies fundamental data to cost analyst. In summary cost accounting provides data to support the decision-making process. Thus, cost accounting principles enable the management to distinguish all cost, categorise cost variables, determine what influences cost, and eliminate avoidable cost.

Budget control propels management to consider the future, which is the most critical element of a budgetary framework. It encourages managers to look forward, to set agendas for accomplishing the objectives for every department. Consequently, accounting and budgetary control promote coordination and correspondence.

Reference List

Arnold, C & Artz, M 2015, ‘Target difficulty, target flexibility, and firm performance: evidence from business units’ targets’, Accounting, Organisations and Society, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 61-77.

Bedford, S & Malmi, T 2015, ‘Configurations of control: an exploratory analysis’, Management Accounting Research, vol. 23, no. 27, pp. 2-26.

Bedford, S 2015, ‘Management control systems across different modes of innovation: implications for firm performance’, Management Accounting Research, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 12-30.

Bhandari, B & Iyer, R 2013, ‘Predicting business failure using cash flow statement based measures’, Managerial Finance, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 667-676.

Karadag, H 2015, ‘Financial management challenges in small and medium-sized enterprises: a strategic management approach’, Emerging Markets Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 26-40.

Patten, R & Patten, C 2014, ‘Some financial measures for the busy small business owner’, Review of Business Information Systems, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 53-56.

Pietrzak, Ż 2014, ‘Traditional versus activity-based budgeting in non-manufacturing companies’, Social Sciences, vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 26-37.

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