Management: Investing in Diversity Case


For this discussion, the chosen strategic focus is to “provide culturally appropriate consumer experience; design products and services to meet their needs.” The selected diversity implication is to “deliver best in class customer experience.” Meta- and long-term goals at many companies are focused on customer satisfaction because commercial entities that provide high-quality merchandise and services want to keep their solvent clientele and gather new wealthy ones.


Among the ways firms can ensure a successful outcome for their customers, catering to their specific cultural norms and preferences is one of the most efficient tactics. For example, when a consumer makes a time-sensitive request because their culture encourages time-saving, businesses that provide the most culture-sensitive, timely product or service benefit both in the short term and in the long perspective. Paradoxically, the best approach to the numerous categories of customers, large and small, in the 21st century is the personal one.

Specific Actions to Accomplish the Diversity Implication

Aetna can take three specific actions to achieve the diversity implication. First, the company must work on increasing representation at all levels of the organization, particularly in senior managerial and leading positions. Additionally, Aetna should diversify its staff by hiring novel employees of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. They also should offer them skill development and honing programs for better performance, advanced interpersonal interaction, and well-developed cultural understanding. The third option is to develop a feedback network through which workers could see better their clientele needs and address these on an individual level.


Experts say that when clients provide feedback, “they’re actually indicating that they trust you enough to give you the opportunity to fix what went wrong — both for them and all the other customers” (Customer feedback, n.d., para. 3). Simply put, the feedback network facilitates the development and improvement of individual approaches to large groups of diverse brand consumers.


Customer feedback: How to improve customer experience with feedback. (n.d.). Verizon. Web.

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