Management Practice and Operating Assumptions

An effective manager can adapt to changing circumstances while staying focused on goals. How a manager introduces management techniques and creates, company culture depends on them. Internal and external influences affect management styles. Internal firm factors include organizational culture, employee competency, business priorities, performance management, training, and incentives and rewards are all factors to consider. Less skilled employees (manufacturing workers) will need more supervision to execute consistently, whereas highly qualified employees (administrative staff) will need less. The economy, competitors, suppliers, customers, and government laws and policies are examples of external forces. These are external variables that the corporation cannot control but still impact both managers and personnel.

Management Philosophy

Knowing what is required of the process, how much it is risky to implement new ideas, how much it can be improved, and how the same can be measured in terms of quality will help maintain a balance between creativity and quality control. To control service quality, the specified instrument must be used.

Proposed management style for Tom:

Hi Tom,

Please be aware that a democratic management style would be a suitable fit for your needs. In a democratic management style, managers encourage staff to contribute their insightful opinions during decision-making. Managers take into account employees’ perspectives to demonstrate their innovation. This will enable you to give your team a learning environment to improve process efficiency. Team cohesion increases as communication flow from the top down and the bottom up.

Additionally, improving communication with manufacturing workers and being intimately aware of their problems will increase workers’ trust in the management. Employees will perceive your concern for them and your ability to improve process transparency. As a result, the decision-making process can draw on various perspectives, knowledge, and strategies. Please construct a feedback form for the survey that should cover the following topics: employee and worker satisfaction, challenges faced at work, relationships between superiors and subordinates, and relationships between peers.

Following feedback, you can analyze the information and make future decisions. Once you know what needs to change, you must adapt it smoothly by implementing adjustments gradually. By assessing the level at each stage, you may design a change management method to bring about qualitative change. Additionally, incorporating the manager’s thoughts into the change management process will improve both the effectiveness of the change and your relationship with the manager.

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