Preparing Managers for Poland: Cross-Cultural & Market Skills

Training and development are vital in the modern world when the market has become competitive. As such, I need to equip my team of managers traveling to Poland with the necessary skills so that they handle their operations in the foreign location successfully. Before visiting any new field, individuals must acquire the requisite expertise on various issues that can help them to foster the quality of their service (Noe, 2014). Extensive research on several companies in Poland will be crucial as I commence my training of the team. Some of the areas that I will venture into during the training include cross-cultural information, business, and market dynamics in the new environment.

I will also focus on the attitude of the host communities towards expatriates. My attention on the issue of cross-cultural education is in line with the argument presented by Noe (2014), who explains that intercultural skills are relevant for effective leadership. Through such training, my team will execute their activities with minimal challenges. I will take my team through training on the culture of the Polish community, their buying behavior, and their preferences. As I educate the managers, I will point out a few details that differentiate the character from ours. The essence of highlighting these diversities is to minimize scenarios where social issues culminate in cultural conflicts.

Skills on buying behavior help the leaders to understand how they can handle financial affairs in the country without causing unwanted acrimonies. While some fiscal ideas are smart in one area, they may elicit negative feelings when raised in other regions. Noe (2014) states that managers need to act as coaches who guide their subordinates on how to deliver company assignments. The assertion is in line with my training on the culture and behavior of the Polish communities. Using the understanding, my team will provide better leadership as per the philosophy of the respective societies. Significantly, I will remind the managers to continue advocating for the company and serve as its ambassadors. Furthermore, I will encourage them to promote the objectives of the firm and its services, even in new regions.


Noe, R. (2014). Employee training and development. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

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