Marketing Interconnection With Organizational Departments

The marketing process directly correlates with organizational success. Through effective marketing, companies can examine the market through a STEEPLE analysis. Indeed, cooperation between the marketing department and other elements within an organization is vital through assistance and insight into efficient strategies and business processes. Namely, the departments that primarily benefit from this connection are Accounting and Finance, Research and Development, and Production.

The accounting and finance department is responsible for managing the organization’s finances. By cooperating with the marketing team, potential financial losses can be minimized and gains maximized. Namely, the market analysis highlights the areas to be invested in and vice versa by examining external factors such as a country’s political, technical, economic, and legal environment through STEEPLE (Georgiadou et al., 2019). Similarly, the Research and Development department can gain insight into market preferences and consumer desires. Researchers highlight the importance of said professional connection (Gonzalez and Claro, 2019). Before a product is developed, the marketing team highlights the current circumstances, such as demographic changes, sociocultural factors, and ethical elements, which are notions within a STEEPLE flamework (Georgiadou et al., 2019). Lastly, marketing research generates helpful insight for the production department. The production department is responsible for manufacturing goods, which is why it is essential to determine the number of products that will be utilized, potential traits from an environmental standpoint, and further characteristics.

While marketing is often illustrated as product advertisement, the department is responsible for multiple processes that, in turn, can be utilized in other departments. Collaboration between said departments correlates with the minimization of potential risks. In companies in which marketing, research and development, finances, and production work symbiotically, the goods are more likely to be preferred by consumers.

Reference List

Georgiadou, E. et al. (2019) ‘A steepled analysis of the SPI Manifesto’, Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp. 209–221.

Gonzalez, G.R. and Claro, D.P. (2019) ‘How intrafirm intermediary salespeople connect sales to marketing and product development’, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(5), pp. 795–814.

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