Marketing Mix: The Main Elements

Digital marketing is a way to advertise goods through the Internet to develop communication and exchanges with customers (Pride & Ferrel, 2017). The four main elements of the marketing mix have been significantly influenced by digital marketing due to digital and social media advances and popularity. Firstly, it has noticeably affected the product element of the mix. Under the close attention of the Internet, every detail of a company’s product or service can enhance or diminish the brand. For instance, some airline companies use their public Wi-Fi password to remind their customers how global or convenient they are (Arruda, 2016).

Promotion is the second element of the marketing mix; with social and digital media, it has undergone many transformations. Posting ads on the Internet is much easier and cheaper than on TV or radio, allowing companies to save on costs and gain more publicity (Agrawal, 2016). For example, although GaGa’s brand name is not directly associated with the pop singer, the product became extremely popular because of it. Having realized it, the founder of GaGa continued working towards linking his dessert to Lady Gaga through social media, increasing his sales and popularity among the pop singer’s fans (Nickisch, 2012).

The third element of the mix, place, is also impacted by the evolution of digital marketing. It introduced the possibility to shop online without leaving the comfort of one’s home. The Amazon company is an excellent example of how digital marketing can enhance the business. With the opportunity to sell goods online without a physical store and advertise it for much cheaper, brands save a lot of money, subsequently lowering the price of their goods (Agrawal, 2016). This model is prevalent among small businesses that sell hand-made products like soap, scented candles, or thematic merchandise. As such, digital marketing is seen to affect the last element of the marketing mix – the price.


Pride, W. M., & Ferrel, O. C. (2017). Foundations of marketing (7th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Nickisch, C. (2012). GaGa’s for Lady Gaga? Coincidental celebrity lifts local brands. Wbur. Web.

Agrawal, A.J. (2016). How the digital age has changed marketing channels forever. Forbes. Web.

Arruda, W. (2016). Effective branding is in the details. Forbes. Web.

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