Marketing on the Organization “Marks & Spenser”

The classic clothing brand Marks & Spencer resisted for a long time to fully enter the modern digital world. Until recently, something from Marks & Spencer could only be bought in the store itself or on Amazon. A few years ago, the company finally created its website, which was the beginning of a new era of development and success. Almost every company has a blog today, but M&S was able to make a real masterpiece, comparable to an expensive glossy magazine. This is one of the company’s successful marketing channels, showing it on the Internet from the best side.

At one time, the world-famous company Marks & Spencer had a severe problem. For several years in a row, there was a deficient level of sales, and it fell more rapidly every year. However, after one of the campaigns the brand introduced in the summer of 2013, sales began to grow (Last, 2017). The brand’s face was not a celebrity, but a whole palette of women of different ages, complexions, and races, and M&S managed to make each of them outstanding.

The company is also working on the Shopping project; which primary goal is to provide all possible assistance to those in need. The company calls for this for its customers as well: clothing collected under this project is given as humanitarian aid to those living below the poverty line (Last, 2017). In particular, even celebrities join this action, which also attracts customers. In this way, M&S managed to inspire consumers to do good things in its unique style, and thus gained new fans.

Another marketing idea of M&S was to introduce viewers to the creation of a Christmas video. Before starting the Christmas holiday campaign, its creators launched a brief announcement of the future video. They asked the audience to help choose a name for the dog, which will play the central role. This caused an unprecedented surge of attention from the audience and their sincere desire to become part of what Marks & Spencer does (Last, 2017). M&S showed that advertising could become high-quality and exciting video content, and not just a way to throw money out. Thus, the organization chose the right direction to express itself in the online world fully.


Last, A. (2017). Business on a mission: How to build a sustainable brand. New York, NY: Routledge.

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